My mac flake, template, dev configs
I use home manager to install system-based packages, while development tools are managed through mise for quick updates and flexible management. mise always maintains the latest commit version based on the GitHub release branch. Since it's not cached in cachix, installing the flake requires additional time.
Template uses flake-parts and devenv.
- nix install (recomended
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf -L | sh -s -- install
- build
nix build github:rjcnd105/hj-dotfiles#darwinConfigurations.workspace_hj.system --impure --fallback
- darwin switch
./result/sw/bin/darwin-rebuild switch --flake .#workspace_hj
Uses catppuccin theme
- aarch46-darwin
- alacritty
gui - fish
better shell - sharship
Shell customize, look pretty - zellij
shell splitting - yazi
Tree-based explorer - carapace
Command argument completion - atuin
SQLite database shell history
- git
- gh
- lazygit
- direnv
- docker, docker-compose
- lazydocker
- devenv
- mise
d2 coding nerd, jetbrains-mono nerd, lilex nerd
- System Packages - User packages
devenv base.
nix flake new --template github:rjcnd105/hj-dotfiles#phoenix ./my-backend
cd my-backend
direnv allow .
app-init myProj myApp