Master thesis project.
To run the application you should have installed maven and java.
Run this command to start the application:
simulation-bpmn> mvn clean compile install exec:java -D exec.mainClass="enso.App" "-Dbpmn=parallelTasksWithOneResource.bpmn" "-DprocessId=parallelTasksWithOneResource" "-DinstancesNumber=2" "-DdelayBetweenInstances
The bpmn files
bpmn is the file name of the bpmn process. All the bpmn files have to be placed in the following directory: \resources\bpmprocesses
processId the process id of the bpmn
instancesNumber represents the number of process instances run by the app.
delayBetweenInstances represents the time between the start of the process instances.
The simulation's results will be placed in the following directory: \results\