A small Go program to perform parallel queries on a number of web-sites and grab the (advertised) server software version they may be running. This was inspired by the long-running Netcraft "What's that site running?" monthly surveys. The list of sites is based on the largest public companies in the U.S., based on Fortune 1000 rankings.
This was written as a first exercise in Go programming, to learn Go language basics, running goroutines, using channels, and standard libraries for using HTTP and parsing textfiles.
An earlier implementation written in Ruby is also included, for language comparison purposes.
$ go build servers-survey.go
$ ./servers-survey
The list of web-site domains is read from fortune1000_companies.tab
The surveying is done by a pool of concurrent goroutines - currently set to
size 30 - change workerPoolSize
up or down as appropriate for your network