Open PowerShell in Administrator mode. (
)wsl --install
Will need a reboot.
My personal bootstrap for a vanilla WSL2 installation of the Ubuntu 22.04 distro from the Microsoft Store.
bash <(curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/richeney/setup/master/bootstrap.sh)
Oh My Posh
Not working?
sudo wget https://github.com/JanDeDobbeleer/oh-my-posh/releases/latest/download/posh-linux-amd64 -O /usr/local/bin/oh-my-posh sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/oh-my-posh mkdir ~/.poshthemes wget https://github.com/JanDeDobbeleer/oh-my-posh/releases/latest/download/themes.zip -O ~/.poshthemes/themes.zip unzip ~/.poshthemes/themes.zip -d ~/.poshthemes chmod u+rw ~/.poshthemes/*.omp.* rm ~/.poshthemes/themes.zip wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/richeney/setup/master/azurecitadel.omp.json -O ~/.poshthemes/azurecitadel.omp.json
⚠️ Login to the Windows Store using your Microsoft ID -
Install App Installer
This includes the production version of winget. (Alternative installs.)
Update winget settings
PowerShell in Administrator mode.
winget settings
And choose Notepad, just this once.
Paste custom settings
{ "$schema": "https://aka.ms/winget-settings.schema.json", "source": { "autoUpdateIntervalInMinutes": 5 }, "visual": { "progressBar": "rainbow" }, "installBehavior": { "preferences": { "scope": "user", "locale": [ "en-GB", "en-US" ] } } }
Update source
winget source update
List installed apps
winget list
Uninstall apps
winget uninstall "Cortana" winget uninstall "MSN Weather" winget uninstall "Solitaire & Casual Games" winget uninstall "Mixed Reality Portal" winget uninstall "Skype" winget uninstall "Windows Maps" winget uninstall "Xbox Game Bar Plugin" ## the overlay conflicts with the mic winget uninstall "Xbox Game Bar" winget uninstall "OneNote for Windows 10" ## winget uninstall "Microsoft OneNote - en-gb" # removing all of office? ## winget uninstall MicrosoftTeams_8wekyb3d8bbwe ## winget uninstall Microsoft.Teams winget uninstall "Mail and Calendar" winget uninstall "Teams Machine-Wide Installer"
Install software
⚠️ Check the desktop - Reset my PC now adds a list of the software that was lost. Update the winget list below.winget install "Git.Git" --accept-source-agreements --accept-package-agreements --silent winget install "GitHub.cli" --silent winget install --exact --id "Microsoft.AzureCLI" --silent ## winget install "Microsoft.DotNet.Runtime.6" --silent ## winget install "Microsoft.DotNet.Runtime.5" --silent ## winget install "Microsoft.VC++2015-2022Redist-x64" --silent winget install --exact --id XP9KHM4BK9FZ7Q --source msstore --accept-package-agreements # Visual Studio Code winget install "Microsoft Remote Desktop" --source msstore --accept-package-agreements winget install "PowerToys" --source msstore --accept-package-agreements ## winget install "ShareX" --source msstore --accept-package-agreements winget install "PowerToys" --source msstore --accept-package-agreements ## winget install "Ambie" --source winget winget install "EarTrumpet" --source msstore --accept-package-agreements ## winget install "NVIDIA Control Panel" --source msstore --accept-package-agreements ## winget install "Nvidia.GeForceExperience" winget install "Logitech.GHUB" winget install "Logitech.LogiTune" winget install "Logitech.Options" winget install "HP Smart" --source msstore --accept-package-agreements winget install "Netflix" --accept-package-agreements winget install "Amazon Prime" --accept-package-agreements winget install "Disney+" --accept-package-agreements winget install "Tidal" --source msstore --accept-package-agreements winget install --id Microsoft.Powershell --source winget
Most of these will require authentication credentials and/or further configuration.
Update all packages
winget upgrade --silent --all
Modify Startup apps in settings
Update Zorloo driver
Reopen Windows Terminal
Open PowerShell 7
Trust the PSGallery
Set-PSRepository -Name 'PSGallery' -InstallationPolicy Trusted
Install the module
Install-Module Az -Force
There is usually an older version (e.g. 4.6.1) of the module installed.
Import the module
Import-Module Az
- Settings in Windows 11
- Systems > Multi-Tasking
- Desktops - Show all open windows --> On all desktops
- Alt-Tab - Open Windows and 3 most recent tabs
- Title bar shake: toggle on
- Bluetooth & Devices > Touchpad - set three finger gestures to switch desktops
- Systems > Multi-Tasking
In lieu of roaming settings.json.
actions array
profiles.defaults object
{"colorScheme":"Relaxed","font":{"face":"Cascadia Mono"},"opacity":85,"scrollbarState":"hidden","useAcrylic":true}
Add the Relaxed theme to the JSON
{ "background": "#282828", "black": "#282828", "blue": "#6A8799", "brightBlack": "#616161", "brightBlue": "#7EAAC7", "brightCyan": "#ACBBD0", "brightGreen": "#A0AC77", "brightPurple": "#B06698", "brightRed": "#BC5653", "brightWhite": "#F7F7F7", "brightYellow": "#EBC17A", "cursorColor": "#FFFFFF", "cyan": "#C9DFE1", "foreground": "#D9D9D9", "green": "#909D63", "name": "Relaxed", "purple": "#B06598", "red": "#BC5653", "selectionBackground": "#FFFFFF", "white": "#D9D9D9", "yellow": "#EBC17A" }
Re-prettify with
if you have JSON Tools in vscode.
OK, should be done. Perhaps some authentication to do within the winget installed apps, but nothing major.
Check out the recover if you need to get back some files from the pre-refresh WSL environment.