This is a web app for an Art Gallery. Is displays a picture and give information of some famous paintings. It is also possible to activate a slideshow feature, where all arts are displayed for a few seconds each.
It took me somewhere about 30 hours to finish this.
Users should be able to:
Click in any painting
and see information about it, such as its year of creation, painter and description.- See the web app in
any screen size
with an appropriate style for each of them. - Start a
where each painting is displayed for a few seconds. - See no loading or refresh screen anywhere on the page.
- Finished project: galleria
- React - JS library
- Route hooks (useEffect, useState, useNavigate, useParam)
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- CSS custom properties
- Flexbox
- A ridiculous amount of
media query
- Sometimes CSS can be
harder than React
. - How to
better use proportions
instead of fix pixel values while sizing stuff in CSS. - How to manipulate the useEffect hook in a more complex way (you'll see it bellow...).
Definitely this beast here.
I finally understood how useEffect can handle asynchronous process that depend on each other in a way that they follow the event flow I want.
useEffect(() => {
if (slideShowStatus) {
const timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
const pageArtArray = artArray.filter((element) => element.order === position);
const pageArt = pageArtArray[0];
if (pageArt) {
const path = `/${props.transformName(}`;
setPosition((prevPosition) => prevPosition === 15 ? 1 : prevPosition + 1);
} else {
}, 7000);
return () => clearTimeout(timeoutId);
}, [slideShowStatus, position]);
It would be nice to have a progression bar
during the slideshow.