Provides tools to assist with parsing, extraction, and validation (e.g., email, filenames, numbers, URL's).
Refer to the generated documentation for more details.
Install with NuGet. Search for "Rhythm.Parsing.Core".
- IsEmailInValidFormat Validates that a string is formatted as a valid email address.
- SanitizeFilename Removes all characters from a string that are unsafe to use in filenames.
- AttemptParseInt Attempts to parse a string as an integer.
- AttemptParseLong Attempts to parse a string as a long.
- AttemptParseDouble Attempts to parse a string as a double.
- AttemptParseDecimal Attempts to parse a string as a decimal.
- GetPathAndQueryFromUrl Extracts the path and query string from a URL.
- GetPathFromUrl Extracts the path from a URL.
- RemoveFirstSegmentFromPath Removes the first segment from the path of a URL.
To create a new release to NuGet, see the NuGet documentation.