= ValidatesAgainstStopForumSpam
Rails gem for ActiveRecord comment model validation against StopForumSpam.com. No API key required.
Respect their terms of use: http://www.stopforumspam.com/apis
Compatibility: Rails 3, tested with Ruby 1.9.3
Licensed under MIT license.
Specify the gem in your Gemfile:
gem "validates_against_stopforumspam"
or for the current edge version:
gem "validates_against_stopforumspam", :git => 'git://github.com/rfc2822/validates_against_stopforumspam'
and install it with bundler.
validates_against_stopforumspam processes three parameters:
If your model's attribute names are different, you can specify the names in the
call. If an attribute is not present, it will be ignored.
class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_against_stopforumspam :username => :user_name
You may also pass other parameters for validate
class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_against_stopforumspam :username => :user_name, :ip => :ip_address, :on => :create
When the comment may be spam (because at least one of the parameters appear on stopforumspam.com), the
validation error :spam_according_to_stopforumspam
is added to the model instance. Translate
it in your i18n files.