Command line python script that converts SKOS-rdf thesaurus(es) in a file (or files in a directory) into vocabulary XML files with a DNET-required syntax, specified by a template.
The script first looks for top terms/concepts defining different vocabularies in a thesaurus (defined through skos:broaderTransitive). If none can be found, all unclassified terms will be combined to a single vocabulary. The template xml needs to be valid and contain all necessary nodes (VOCABULARY_NAME, DATE_OF_CREATION, LAST_UPDATE and TERMS).
Please note that this was written for Python 3.5+. As of right now, I can't guarantee it running on lower versions.
For installing the requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt
(I'd recommend using a virtual env)
must specifiy a .rdf file or a directory (for which only .rdf files will be considered). Output files are named <NameOfConceptScheme>.xml
--namespace TEXT
Defines namespace for the vocabulary files to be created (default is 'parthenos').
--template TEXT
Specifies an XML file as an output template (default is template.xml in the same dir).
Flag for disabling verbose console output.
Display help message and exit.