S.Port bridge should work with all Radios with S.Port in the Modul bay or outside.
Only working with UARTS and OPENTX 2.3.9 and the serialport LUA is activated
working trackers: Chorus32 and RotorHazard
known problems (only sport method)
if wifi not connecting (reboot loop) plug in sport cable after the wifi connection is connected
please use char "L" as rank and lap prefix in the vrx config!
setup the vrx setup in RotorHazard and install mqtt server!!
#define WIFI_AP_NAME1 "Chorus32 LapTimer" //Dont´t change... reserved for Chorus32 connection
#define WIFI_AP_NAME2 "Laptimer" //my laptimer ssid on the field
#define WIFI_AP_NAME3 "A1-7FB051" //my dev ssid
#define WIFI_AP_PASSWORD1 "" //Chorus32 Laptimer password
#define WIFI_AP_PASSWORD2 "laptimer" //you know ... your password
#define WIFI_AP_PASSWORD3 "blablabla" //you know ... your password
#define MQTTSERVER1 "" //MQTT or TCP Client for Chorus32 Port 9000
#define MQTTSERVER2 "" //field mqtt server
#define MQTTSERVER3 "" //home mqtt server
ArduinoJson 5!!! not 6
copy sounds in the zip file to /SCRIPTS/SOUNDS/LapTmr/
copy lua´s to /SCRIPTS/TELEMETRY/
TCP Connection with Chrorus32 on Port 9000
MQTT Connection with Rotorhazard
for sport and x9d or xlite use LapTmr.lua (tested)
for serial Chorus.lua (tested)
Example -> LapTmrColor.lua
use chorus.lua
change ip´s ssid´s in the CODE!
Use laptmr.lua
Use index_sport.h
change index.h to index_sport.h -> simulate-fix
setup config and wire up the esp32
add logical switch ls1 see photos..
(if you using the lua script) discovery telemetry sensors!! 1AEB appers on the lcd screen! this is always the laptime in seconds