A book finder application that utilizes the Google Books API. This project comes from Chingu, a website that teachs users how to develop applications in a team environment to help simulate real world developing while helping to build your portfolio. You have to complete this project in order to get accepted into a cohort. I was accepted.
Create an application that allows you to use the Google Books API to search for books. You may need to signup with google to get a API key; read the documentation for more information.
This application should allow you to:
- Enter a query in a search box
- Display a list of books matching the given query.
- Each item in the list should include the book's author, title, and publishing company, as well as a picture of the book.
- From each list item, you should also be able to navigate to more information about the book, but this information does not necessarily need to appear on a page within your application. In other words, this could link out to an external site with more information about that particular book.
- Test units
- Handling of edge cases, for example: loading and error messages from API, not allowing API calls when query is empty, putting a timeout on a API call and letting the user know.
- Implement Responsive Design
Making API calls and dealing with edge cases
LIVE DEMO: Book Finder App
Project source from Chingu.io