It's DM IMAP adapter time. This GEM is based on the initial work of wycats. Currently, it supports a variety of queries, updating flags, creating new emails, and moving between mailboxes. Sorting, mailbox manipulation, and email editing should come in the future.
The gem includes a file "gmapper" which provides a sample application of the adapter with some added sugar for Gmail. Here's how to use it:
gem install vanpelt-dm-imap-adapter --source=
require 'gmapper'
DataMapper.setup(:default, "imap://[email protected]/INBOX")
Gmapper::Message.all(:subject => "you're awesome")
#=> [...500000 results...]
Gmapper::Message.first(:mailbox => "[Gmail]/Drafts", => 2.days.ago)
#=> { :subject => "Dear Mr. Obama" }
m = Gmapper::Message.create(:subject => "A new queue", :body => "Some YAML")
# remove message from the drafts folder
m.mailbox = "INBOX"
# mark message read and starred
m.flags = [:seen, :flagged]
#=> { :subject => "A new queue", :flags => [:Seen]}
# archive message
More to come soon... imagine the possibilites!