A JavaScript function to generate random corporate quotes and 'scientific' output.
"We exist to build end-to-end Diverse Remote Teams through dynamic leadership skills by escalatingly envisioneering meta-services. Who wouldn't want to deliver resource-sucking markets? Why fail to supply future-proof blockchains? Before 5 years ago there were only supply chains or enabled UX. That's why we fashion, we fabricate, and we whiteboard - competently encapsulating our client-focused USPs.
Our purpose is to add imploratory outsourcing by building inexpensive sprints and using credibly centering our people-centric digital business transformation (DBT). When will we achieve inexpensive functionalities? What drives our cross-platform scrums? We started with efficient vertically aligned portals. We are not ashamed to build, to optimize, and to onboard - always completely generating our business conversion and storytelling."
Install dependencies for npm and build with webpack
npm install
npm run build
This updates the cpblx bundle in the dist/ folder
Include the library in your page
<script src="dist/cpblx.js"></script>
Include a space on the pages to display it e.g.
<div id="crap"></div>
Then put the corporate bollox generator to work.
document.getElementById('crap').innerHTML = cpblx();
For the chart(s) a named DIV (sent as an option) is required. e.g.
<button onclick='cpblx(0,-12,"{\"SVGcontainer\": \"example10\"}");'>Chart(s)
<div id="example10"></div>
See some examples here on github.
View more corporate guff on our server. (We are working on how to get image options to work in this library).
cpblx() // random dialect and quantity
cpblx(dialect) // define the dialect, random quantity
cpblx(dialect, quantity) // define dialect and quantity
cpblx(dialect, quantity, options) // define dialect, quantity, and
other options (see below)
0 - random
1 - general
2 - healthcare
3 - publishing
4 - learning
5 - voluntary
6 - COVID-19
7 - Brexiteer
8 - consipracy theory
9 - STEM
10 - legal
11 - entertainment
12 - craftale
13 - greenwash
-12 - A chart in SVG format (generic dialect only)
-11 - A diagram in SVG format (some dialects only)
-10 - An abstract (healthcare dialect only)
-9 - The Why Case (only delivers some dialects)
-5 - Tweet with hashtags
-4 - Appraisal
-3 - Five things
-2.1 - The why how what
-2 - The Why
-1 - A brief bullet point
0 - random
5 - 5 sentences
10 - 10 sentences
Send a JSON string of options
var cpblxoptions = `{
"showlink": true
document.getElementById('crap').innerHTML = cpblx(0,0,cpblxoptions);
- showlink adds a URL to the end of the generated text - see examples for a demo
- pid presented in the URL (provided by using the showlink option) which sends the encoded details to recreate the exact same (memorable) cpblx output. pid includes everything it needs - dialect and amount options are ignored
Move the generation mechanism to the same as used by the original nonsense generator SciGen as ported to JavaScript by David Pomerenke. Note: SciGen.js has been forked for cpblx.
- reformat the cpblx rules to the original SciGen (2005) text format (done)
- rework the rules generator files in Perl and JavaScript by adapting those from SciGen.js (done)
- add the mechanism to this TypeScript Library (done)
Make use of the animals and colours somewhere.
- they are used on the cpblx website for the Blog-it feature but not used (yet) in this library