- Api
- Api.Tests (With some unit tests)
- WebApp MVC
- Core (With some common objects)
- Docker-compose deploying all the services and dependencies needed
- Loadbalancer with nginx
- Cache with redisclient
- Database nosql - Mongodb
- For fiat currency conversion was used: https://freecurrencyapi.com/
- For bitcoin quote was used: https://alternative.me/crypto/api/
- To run the application you will need Docker in your PC
- Docker is available in: https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/
- To run the code, all you need to do is run the following commands:
- git clone https://github.com/rdiass/challenge-bravo.git
- cd .\challenge-bravo\CurrencyConverter\
- docker-compose up -d --build
- Now, probably you can access the api in your browser typing: http://localhost/swagger/index.html
- To view the front-end example, you can access: http://localhost:5101/