Plot functions in MicroPython for BBC Micro:bit using the display of 5x5 LEDs.
Show up to 5 vertical bars from left to right using the components of a vector (list or tuple).
Each vertical bar starts from bottom of display.
Each component of the vector should be >= 0, pixelscale is the value of each pixel with 1 as default value.
E. g., vector = (1,2,3,4,5) will show 5 verticals bars, with 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 leds on.
def plot_bars(vector, pixelscale = 1):
for i in range(len(vector)):
for y in range(5):
if vector[i] - (y + 1)*pixelscale >= 0:
display.set_pixel(i, 4 - y, 9)
display.set_pixel(i, 4 - y, 0)
from microbit import *
def plot_bars(vector, pixelscale = 1):
for i in range(len(vector)):
for y in range(5):
if vector[i] - (y + 1)*pixelscale >= 0:
display.set_pixel(i, 4 - y, 9)
display.set_pixel(i, 4 - y, 0)
while True:
ax, ay, az = accelerometer.get_values()
print(ax, ay, az)
plot_bars((abs(ax), abs(ay), abs(az), 0, (ax*ax + ay*ay + az*az)**0.5), 200)
Show bar with up to 25 pixels, from bottom (default) or from top of display.
value >= 0, pixelscale is the value of each pixel.
E. g., value = 13 and pixelscale = 2 will show 6 leds.
fromtop = True shows the bar starting from top of the display.
def plot_bar_pixels(value, pixelscale, fromtop = False):
for y in range(5):
for x in range(5):
if fromtop:
yl = y
yl = 4-y
diff = value - ((x + 1) + y*5)*pixelscale
if diff >= 0:
display.set_pixel(x, yl, 9)
display.set_pixel(x, yl, 0)
from microbit import *
def plot_bar_pixels(value, pixelscale, fromtop = False):
for y in range(5):
for x in range(5):
if fromtop:
yl = y
yl = 4-y
diff = value - ((x + 1) + y*5)*pixelscale
if diff >= 0:
display.set_pixel(x, yl, 9)
display.set_pixel(x, yl, 0)
while True:
BuT = int(compass.get_field_strength()/1000)
plot_bar_pixels(BuT, 4, fromtop=True)
Show 3 vertical bars (up to 5 pixels), one for each component of the 3D vector (vx, vy, vz), from bottom of display.
Show also the norm of the vector in the last 2 vertical bars (up to 10 pixels).
Each component of the vector should be >= 0, pixelscale is the value of each pixel with 1 as default value.
E. g., (vx, vy, vz) = (1,2,4) will show 3 verticals bars with 1, 2 and 3 leds on, as well the norm as 4th vertical bar 4 leds on.
def plot_bars_vector_3D(vx, vy, vz, pixelscale = 1):
for x in range(5):
if vx - (x + 1)*pixelscale >= 0:
display.set_pixel(0, 4 - x, 9)
display.set_pixel(0, 4 - x, 0)
for y in range(5):
if vy - (y + 1)*pixelscale >= 0:
display.set_pixel(1, 4 - y, 9)
display.set_pixel(1, 4 - y, 0)
for z in range(5):
if vz - (z + 1)*pixelscale >= 0:
display.set_pixel(2, 4 - z, 9)
display.set_pixel(2, 4 - z, 0)
vm = (vx*vx + vy*vy + vz*vz)**0.5
for y in range(5):
for x in range(2):
if vm - (y + x*5)*pixelscale >= 0:
display.set_pixel(x + 3, 4 - y, 9)
display.set_pixel(x + 3, 4 - y, 0)
from microbit import *
def plot_bars_vector_3D(vx, vy, vz, pixelscale = 1):
for x in range(5):
if vx - (x + 1)*pixelscale >= 0:
display.set_pixel(0, 4 - x, 9)
display.set_pixel(0, 4 - x, 0)
for y in range(5):
if vy - (y + 1)*pixelscale >= 0:
display.set_pixel(1, 4 - y, 9)
display.set_pixel(1, 4 - y, 0)
for z in range(5):
if vz - (z + 1)*pixelscale >= 0:
display.set_pixel(2, 4 - z, 9)
display.set_pixel(2, 4 - z, 0)
vm = (vx*vx + vy*vy + vz*vz)**0.5
for y in range(5):
for x in range(2):
if vm - (y + x*5)*pixelscale >= 0:
display.set_pixel(x + 3, 4 - y, 9)
display.set_pixel(x + 3, 4 - y, 0)
while True:
ax, ay, az = accelerometer.get_values()
print(ax, ay, az)
plot_bars_vector_3D(abs(ax), abs(ay), abs(az), 200)
Show 3 axis (up to 5 pixels), one for each component of the 3D vector (vx, vy, vz).
x axis is horizontal on bottom of the display, y axis is vertical on left, z axis is the diagonal.
Each component of the vector should be >= 0, pixelscale is the value of each pixel with 1 as default value.
E. g., (vx, vy, vz) = (2,3,4) will show 2 horizontal pixels, 3 vertical pixels and 4 diagonal pixels.
def plot_axis_vector_3D(vx, vy, vz, pixelscale = 1):
for x in range(5):
if vx - (x + 1)*pixelscale >= 0:
display.set_pixel(x, 4, 9)
display.set_pixel(x, 4, 0)
for y in range(5):
if vy - (y + 1)*pixelscale >= 0:
display.set_pixel(0, 4 - y, 9)
display.set_pixel(0, 4 - y, 0)
for z in range(5):
if vz - (z + 1)*pixelscale >= 0:
display.set_pixel(z, 4 - z, 9)
display.set_pixel(z, 4 - z, 0)
from microbit import *
def plot_axis_vector_3D(vx, vy, vz, pixelscale = 1):
for x in range(5):
if vx - (x + 1)*pixelscale >= 0:
display.set_pixel(x, 4, 9)
display.set_pixel(x, 4, 0)
for y in range(5):
if vy - (y + 1)*pixelscale >= 0:
display.set_pixel(0, 4 - y, 9)
display.set_pixel(0, 4 - y, 0)
for z in range(5):
if vz - (z + 1)*pixelscale >= 0:
display.set_pixel(z, 4 - z, 9)
display.set_pixel(z, 4 - z, 0)
while True:
ax, ay, az = accelerometer.get_values()
print(ax, ay, az)
plot_axis_vector_3D(abs(ax), abs(ay), abs(az), 200)