- rchain.coop is now hosted as a GitHub Page from repo: www.rchain.coop
- blog.rchain.coop is now hosted on a 3rd party host
- developer.rchain.coop is now hosted as a GitHub Page from repo: developer.rchain.coop
- rsong.rchain.coop is now hosted as a GitHub Page from repo: rsong.rchain.coop
www repository contains Rchain websites. These websites are:
The open-source RChain project is building a decentralized, economic, censorship-resistant, public compute infrastructure and blockchain. It will host and execute programs popularly referred to as “smart contracts”. It will be trustworthy, scalable, concurrent, with proof-of-stake consensus and content delivery.
| Rchain K8 Cluster |
| +------------+ |
| +---|rchain-coop | |
| +-------+ | +------------+ |
| | certs | | +------------+ |
| +-------+ +---+ | |developer- | +------------+ |
| +-------+ | I | +---|rchain-coop |<-------- | postgreSQL | |
| |issuer |<---->| n | | +------------+ +------------+ |
| +-------+ | g |<----->| +------------+ +------------+ |
| | e | +---| wordpress |<-------- |mysql | |
| +-------+ | s | | +------------+ +------------+ |
| | cert- | | s | | +-------+ |
| | mgr | +---+ +---|rsong | |
| +-------+ | +-------+ |
- git
- node & npm, required for testing
Content developers may use any additional content tool of their choice.
Developers will require additional tooling, see Development setup
All work must have a corresponding work order, JIRA ticket. To contribute:
- Fork the repo
- Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/fooBar)
- Commit your changes as outlined in Committing your work
- Push to the branch (git push origin feature/fooBar)
- Create a new Pull Request
- Select a Reviewer
Note: All pull request must be reviewed before merging to master branch
www is a CI/CD project.
Once pull requests are reviewed and merged to master branch, Cloud Build is triggered to:
- build
- create docker containers
- publish containers to Container Registry
- deploy to kubernetes (k8) cluster To check the status of your build visit: https://console.cloud.google.com/cloud-build
Prefix git commit messages with one or more of prefixes as outlined here:
Annotation | Description | Example |
[INTERNAL] | used for internal stuff | git commit -m "[INTERNAL] my internal change" |
[FIX] | contains bug fix | git commit -m "[FIX] my fix change" |
[FEATURE] | contains a new feature | git commit -m "[FEATURE] my new feature" |
[DOC] | contains documentation | git commit -m "[DOC] my documentation change" |
Change logs and release notes are generated on demand. To generate to notes from the root of the project folder:
The websites are dockerized and deployed to kubernetes-cluster. You may build your own image by executing make from each sub-project folder:
cd rchain-coop && make
cd developer-rchain-coop && make
cd rsong && make
You may also run the official docker image from from GCP RChain Container Registry provided that you have sufficient access
Note: this is a private registry
git clone [email protected]:kayvank/www.git ## replace kayvan with your git-user-id
cd www
cd rchain-coop
npm install
npm prune
gulp ## transpiles the rchain.coop
npm start ## to execute the site
To test the rchain.coop locally point your browser to localhost:3000
curl -v localhsot:3000
To create, publish and execute a docker image:
cd www
cd rchain-coop
docker images | grep rchain-coop
docker run -p3000:3000 <MY-DOCKER-ID>/rchain-coop:v1.0<SHORT-SHA>
To install and run developer.rchain.coop locally, pre-populated postgreSQL is required. The project contains a [PostgreSQL docker-compose] that you may use. To use the docker-compose file, make sure you have setup your environment variables as outlined in Project environment variables section
git clone [email protected]:kayvank/www.git ## replace kayvan with your git-user-id
cd www
cd developer-rchain-coop
npm install
npm prune
cd test
docker-compose up -d
docker inspect `docker ps | grep postgres | awk '{print $1}'` | grep IPAddress
## modify the DB_IP environment variable to match the postgres ip
npm start ## to execute the site
To test the rchain.coop locally point your browser to localhost:3000
curl -v localhost:3000
git clone [email protected]:kayvank/www.git ## replace kayvan with your git-user-id
cd www
cd rsong
docker images | grep rsong
docker run -p80:80 <MY-DOCKER-ID>/rsong:v1.0<SHORT-SHA>
To test the rchain.coop locally point your browser to $DOCKER_IP, see environment variables.
curl -v $DOCKER_IP
To build and run the projects locally configure your environment as such:
export DOCKER_USER= my_docker_username
export DOCKER_PASS=my_docker_secret_password
export SHA=`git rev-parse --short HEAD`
export PGUSER='rock_user'
export PGPASSWORD='pg_secret_password'
export DOCKER_IP='' ## may have to be modified depending on docker inspect output
export DB_URL="postgresql://$PGUSER:$PGPASSWORD@$DB_IP:5432/$PGDB"
export MYSQL_USER=user123
export MYSQL_PASS='password-123'
export MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD='my-root-password'
export K8_NAMESPACE='dev-blog'
Although not required, consider using direnv