This repository contains the code for implementing and running the pipeline described in the paper "Retrieve, Merge, Predict: Augmenting Tables with Data Lakes" (XXXX).
The objective is modeling a situation where an user is trying to execute ML tasks on some base data, enriching it by using new tables found in a data lake using retrieval methods.
The join candidates are merged with the base table under study, before training a ML model (either Catboost, or a linear model) to evaluate the performance before and after the merge.
We use YADL as our data lake, a synthetic data lake based on the YAGO3 knowledge base. The YADL variants used in the paper are available on Zenodo.
The base tables used for the experiments are provided in data/source_tables/
NOTE: The repository relies heavily on the parquet
format ref, and will expect all tables (both source tables, and data lake
tables) to be stored in parquet
format. Please convert your data to parquet before working on the pipeline.
NOTE: We recommend to use the smaller binary_update
data lake and its corresponding configurations to set up the data structures and debug potential issues, as all preparation steps are significantly faster than with larger data lakes.
We used the following sources for our dataset:
- Company Employees source - CC0
- Housing Prices source
- Movie Ratings and Movie Revenue source - CC0
- US Accidents source - CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
- US Elections source - CC0
The Schools dataset is an internal dataset found in the Open Data US data lake. The US County Population dataset is an internal dataset found in YADL.
YADL is derived from YAGO3 source and shares its CC BY 4.0 license.
Datasets were pre-processed before they were used in our experiments.
Important: in the current version of the code, all base tables are expected to include a column named target
that contains the variable that should
be predicted by the ML model. Please process any new input table so that the prediction column is named target
To implement Starmie in our pipeline, we implemented modifications that are tracked in a fork.
We recommend to use conda environments to fetch the required packages. File environment.yaml
contains the
required dependencies and allows to create directly a conda environment:
conda env create --file=environment.yaml
conda activate bench
Then, install the remaining dependencies with pip:
pip install -r requirements.txt
It is possible to download YADL from the zenodo repository
Once the required python environment has been prepared it is necessary to prepare the files required for the execution of the pipeline.
For efficiency reasons and to avoid running unnecessary operations when testing different components, the pipeline has been split in different modules that have to be run in sequence.
Given a data lake version to evaluate, the first step is preparing a metadata file for each table in the data lake. This metadata is used in all steps of the pipeline.
The script
is used to generate the files for a given data lake case.
NOTE: This scripts assumes that all tables are saved in .parquet
format, and will raise an error if it finds no .parquet
files in the given path. Please convert your files to parquet before running this script.
Use the command:
is the root path of the data lake. The stem of PATH_DATA_FOLDER
will be used as identifier for
the data lake throughout the program (e.g., for data/binary_update
, the data lake will be stored under the name binary_update
The script will recursively scan all folders found in PATH_DATA_FOLDER
and generate a json file for each parquet file
encountered. By providing the --flat
parameter, it is possible to scan only the files in the root directory rather than
working on all folders and files.
Metadata will be saved in data/metadata/DATA_LAKE_NAME
, with an auxiliary file stored in data/metadata/_mdi/md_index_DATA_LAKE_NAME.pickle
This step is an offline operation during which the retrieval methods are prepared by building the data structures they rely on to function. This operation can require a long time and a large amount of disk space (depending on the method); it is not required for the querying step and thus it can be executed only once for each data lake (and retrieval method).
Different retrieval methods require different data structures and different starting configurations, which should be stored in config/retrieval/prepare
. In all configurations,
is the number of parallel jobs that will be executed; if it set to -1, all available
CPU cores will be used.
python [--repeats REPEATS] config_file
is the path to the configuration file. repeats
is a parameter that can be
added to re-run the current configuration repeats
times (this should be used only for measuring the time required
for running the indexing operation).
Here is a sample configuration for MinHash.
works only for single query columns. As such,
each case queryt_table-query_column
must be defined independently:
The configuration parser will prepare the data structures (specifically, the counts) for each case provided in the configuration file.
Configuration files whose name start with prepare
in config/retrieval/prepare
are example configuration files for the index preparation step.
To prepare the retrieval methods for data lake binary_update
python config/retrieval/prepare/prepare-exact_matching-binary_update.toml
python config/retrieval/prepare/prepare-minhash-binary_update.toml
This will create the index structures for the different retrieval methods in data/metadata/_indices/binary_update
Data lake preparation should be repeated for any new data lake, and each data lake will have its own directory in data/metadata/_indices/
The querying operation is decoupled from the indexing step for practical reasons (querying is much faster than indexing). Moreover, methods such as MinHash attempt to optimize the query operation by building the data structures offline in the indexing step.
For these reason, querying is done using the
script and is based on the configurations in config/retrieval/query
In principle, queries could be done at runtime during the pipeline execution. For efficiency and simplicity, they are executed
offline and stored in results/query_results
. The pipeline then loads the appropriate query at runtime.
To build the queries for binary_update
python config/retrieval/query/query-minhash-binary_update.toml
python config/retrieval/query/query-minhash_hybrid-binary_update.toml
python config/retrieval/query/query-exact_matching-binary_update.toml
To use the Hybrid MinHash variant, the query
configuration file should include the parameter hybrid=true
: the re-ranking
operation is done at query time.
The configurations used to run the experiments in the paper are available in directory config/evaluation
The experiment configurations that tested default parameters are stored in config/evaluation/general
; experiment configurations
testing aggregation are in config/evaluation/aggregation
; additional experiments that test specific parameters and scenarios are in config/evaluation/other
To run experiments with binary_update
python config/evaluation/general/config-binary.toml