A Compiler for AArch64 Apple Silicon for a Subset of Python. Inspiration from ->
https://github.com/tsoding/porth https://thorstenball.com/books/
Everything is pure python and depends on the standard library.
For compilation on your machine, you need Xcode installed. Open up a shell and type xcode-select --install and you're good to go.
python3 compiler.py python_test.txt
The executable will be named "output" by default.
You can specify an executable name as the third argument
python3 compiler.py python_test.txt executable_file
Currently implemented commands
- Single Line Comments
- """ Multiline Comments """
- Variable Declaration var = "Foo" or 2
- User Input var = input("What the Foo?")
- print("String") + print(1+2)
Immediate Goals
- Mathematical operations beyond just addition (-, *, /)
- Boolean expressions and conditional statements (if/else)
- Loops (while and for)
- Functions
- Arrays or lists
End Goals
- Turing Completion
- Inline Assembly
- Ability to utilize LibC
- Probably Force Static typing and declaration of allocated space needed for variables to avoid buffer overflows
This is a toy project as a proof of concept that Python can compile Python and not production ready in the slightest. This is an incredibly unsafe implementation and you will blow your hand off. This is mostly for smart allecks in Beginner Programming Groups that denigrate people who ask if Python can compile to an executable.