The following code serves to be an implementation of Q-Learning with function approximation to play Q*bert in the Arcade Learning Environment. The rules and guidelines for the game can be found in this Atari Magazine.
In order to have the client play the game, ensure the following packages are installed with Python 3:
- pygame
- numpy
- matplotlib.pyplot
- ALE (Arcade Learning Environment)
Include the following files in the same directory:
- qbert.bin
The agent and learning can be launched from the command-line through the following:
python3 <optional flags>
An explanation of flags, possible input parameters, and default values are listed as follows:
Parameter | Flag | Default | Options |
display | -d | False | Boolean determining whether a display should pop up. |
seed | -s | 123 | Seed of the game. Should be a positive integer. |
distance | -m | euclid | Distance function used. Options: [euclid,manhattan,hamming] |
exploration | -x | eps-greedy | Exploration function used. Options: [eps-greedy,softmax] |
approx_type | -t | complex | Type of function approximation. Options: [simple,mixed,complex] |
num_episodes | -n | 500 | Number of game episodes to train through/play. Should be a positive integer. |
csv_name | -f | training_data | Name of CSV and image file output in the directory containing training data. |
weights | -w | None | Path of .json file containing an array of weights. If None, randomly initialized. |
python3 -x softmax -n 1500
python3 -t mixed -x softmax -n 2000 -s 9999 -f softmax_mixed
python3 -t simple -m manhattan -f manhattan_simple -w model.json -d True