Ansible scripts to install and perform the initial setup of a Kubernetes environment.
The initial setup assumes that you are using a lab with the following hosts:
- master1
- worker1
- worker2
- worker3
This can be easily customized by changing the hosts file that is attached to this repository or adjusting your ansible.cfg to point at the proper mechanism for host management.
It is assumed that the install will provision a single master node with several worker nodes. The number of worker nodes is arbitrary but in the current setup the hosts file is set to use three workers.
The scripts have been developed on Ubuntu Server 20.04 and it should work with most Debian derivatives.
Note that most of the playbooks assume an administrative user role (become_user: root) to perform installation. You will need to ensure that this is possible in your setup.
$ ansible-playbook plays/check.yml
$ ansible-playbook plays/disable-swap.yml
$ ansible-playbook plays/install.yml
$ ansible-playbook plays/setup.yml