This project was inspired by AutoSPInstaller. The idea is completely script the setup of a Windows Server machine. The script picks up immediately following the OS install and can take care of the following
- Renaming Computer
- Setting Account Passwords
- Running Windows Update
- Settings IE Enhanced Security
- Installing Chocolately and selected packages (like boxstarter)
- Installing Active Directory (and creating any OUs and Account needed)
- Setting up DNS (and creating and records needed)
- Adding Windows Features
- Installing applications (SQL Server, Office, Visual Studio, etc)
- Executing AutoSPInstaler
And all of this is done via PowerShell and an XML Configuration file.
Steps to use are:
- Install Base OS (Windows Server 2012, 2012 R2, and Windows 2008, 2008 R2)
- Download Script
- Extract to folder of your choice
- Create any answer files you need (Office, Visual Studio, SQL Server, AutoSPInstaller, etc)
- Edit ServerSetup.xml file and set the key items ** Passwords ** Installation Paths ** Answer Files
- Open PowerShell with RunAs Administrator
- Run ServerSetup.ps1
- Sit back and relax and watch the server build (or not and come back in about an hour to check on progress)
Note: A majority of the scripts until the utils folder have been gathered from other sources on the net. All original comments, licenses, and ownership information was maintained whenever possible.