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Raven-OS's Landing page Build Status

This is Raven-OS's landing page, used as an easy way to present our project, ideas and philosophy to the community.

It is based on Rocket.

Getting Started

These instructions will get your own copy Raven-OS's landing page up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.

See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


Use a nightly version of rust

$ rustup default nightly

Install diesel_cli a tool that handle database operations

$ cargo install diesel_cli --no-default-features --features mysql

For Raven-OS's landing page to work, you will need to set some environment variables. You can add them by hand or put them in a .env file. The easiest way to do so is by copying the given example:

$ cp .env.example .env # You can edit .env as you wish


Setup the database

$ diesel setup
$ diesel migration run


You can have a look at Rocket's documentation to see how to configure a Rocket.toml. Default settings should be find for debugging purposes tho'


$ cargo run

You can tweak the default ip/port with some environment variables (More informations here:


You may need sudo if you want to listen on port 80.


To generate the backend's API documentation, run the following command:

$ apidoc -i src -o docs -f ".*\\.rs$"

The documentation will be placed in docs/


Front-end static files are placed in static/. Templates are placed in templates/. Every path of static files should be absolute from the static folder. That is, for static/img/raven.png, you should use the /img/raven.png path.

Example for templates/subfolder/index.html.hbs:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <link href="/img/raven_ico.ico" rel="icon">
    {{> header}}
    {{> footer}}