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DIY SpaceMouse Profiles builds a user interface based on values requested from the DIY SpaceMouse.

The firmware provided in this repository is modified to send through serial information to build the UI:

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void return_ui() {
    const char * ui_values=
    "name=invX;send_name=invx;tab=Invert directions;type=bool;default=0;\n" // For bool values use 0 for False, 1 for True
    "name=invY;send_name=invy;tab=Invert directions;type=bool;default=0;\n"
    "name=invZ;send_name=invz;tab=Invert directions;type=bool;default=0;\n"
    "name=invRX;send_name=invrx;tab=Invert directions;type=bool;default=0;\n"
    "name=invRY;send_name=invry;tab=Invert directions;type=bool;default=0;\n"
    "name=invRZ;send_name=invrz;tab=Invert directions;type=bool;default=0;\n"; // Don't forget ";" on last line
    return ui_values;

And it will also change sensitivity when a new value is sent through serial:

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// raulpetru -- process input received through Serial
String inputString;

void processPair(String pair) {
    // Find the position of the '=' sign
    int separatorIndex = pair.indexOf('=');

    // Split the string into key and value
    String key = pair.substring(0, separatorIndex);
    String value = pair.substring(separatorIndex + 1);

    // Use the results
    if (key == "GET_UI") {
    if (key == "dz") {
        DEADZONE = value.toFloat();
    if (key == "tsx") {
        TRANSX_SENSITIVITY = (value.toFloat()/10); // Divide the value received through UI by 10 to obtain a more accurate sensitivity control.
    if (key == "tsy") {
        TRANSY_SENSITIVITY = (value.toFloat()/10);
    if (key == "ptsy") {
        POS_TRANSZ_SENSITIVITY = (value.toFloat()/10);
    if (key == "ntsy") {
        NEG_TRANSZ_SENSITIVITY = (value.toFloat()/10);
    if (key == "gptz") {
        GATE_POS_TRANSZ = value.toFloat();
    if (key == "gntz") {
        GATE_NEG_TRANSZ = value.toFloat();
    if (key == "grx") {
        GATE_ROTX = value.toFloat();
    if (key == "gry") {
        GATE_ROTY = value.toFloat();
    if (key == "grz") {
        GATE_ROTZ = value.toFloat();
    if (key == "rtsx") {
        ROTX_SENSITIVITY = (value.toFloat()/10);
    if (key == "rtsy") {
        ROTY_SENSITIVITY = (value.toFloat()/10);
    if (key == "rtsz") {
        ROTZ_SENSITIVITY = (value.toFloat()/10);
    if (key == "invx") {
        invX = (value.toInt() == 1) ? true : false;
    if (key == "invy") {
        invY = (value.toInt() == 1) ? true : false;
    if (key == "invz") {
        invZ = (value.toInt() == 1) ? true : false;
    if (key == "invrx") {
        invRX = (value.toInt() == 1) ? true : false;
    if (key == "invry") {
        invRY = (value.toInt() == 1) ? true : false;
    if (key == "invrz") {
        invRZ = (value.toInt() == 1) ? true : false;
void loop() {


    if (Serial.available()) {
        inputString = Serial.readStringUntil('\n');  // Read the input string

        // Split the string by commas
        int startIndex = 0;
        int endIndex = inputString.indexOf(',');

        while (endIndex != -1) {
            String pair = inputString.substring(startIndex, endIndex);
            startIndex = endIndex + 1;
            endIndex = inputString.indexOf(',', startIndex);

        // Process the last pair (or the only pair if no commas were found)
        String lastPair = inputString.substring(startIndex);

Check out the file for all changes.

There are quite a few firmwares available around and they can be fairly easily modified to work with this UI application.


Set up SpaceMouse

IMPORTANT: The firmware included in this repo is a modified version of ChromeBee's Hall-Effect-Sensor-CAD-Mouse-Spacemouse, so this firmware will only work with that specific hardware.

  1. Clone this repository:
    git clone
  2. Create a custom board in Arduino IDE using these instructions.
  3. Connect SpaceMouse to PC and flash firmware SpaceMouse Firmwares/HE_Spacemouse/HE_Spacemouse.ino on Arduino.

Set up DIY SpaceMouse Profiles application

  1. Download latest release.
  2. Connect your DIY SpaceMouse to PC (else the application won't start).
  3. (Recommended) Create a folder DIY SpaceMouse Profiles and place the downloaded .exe inside.
  4. Run DIY_SpaceMouse_Profiles.exe

This project is based on the work of ChromeBee, AndunHH, TeachingTech and many other contributors.


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