Parser for covid-19 Raw Data shared by: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) Link:
Find out Python3 version: python3 -V
It should output something like: Python 3.7.4
3.If required sudo apt install virtualenv
Now run the following command to create a virtual environment virtualenv --no-site-packages --python=python3.7 covid19VirEnv
To activate the the virtual environment run source covid19VirEnv/bin/activate
To install dependencies run pip3 install pandas matplotlib tabulate plotly xlrd
To activate the the virtual environment run source covid19VirEnv/bin/activate
To generate the graphs run python3
python3 --country=China country: input country name for which you want to see details data (optional parameter)
- Output HTML file (covid19_ECDC_.html) is generated, which has all the data in tabular/text format.
Tested in Ubuntu 18.08 only
The raw data excel sheet needs minor modification. Some of the entries in column NewDeaths is empty. Fill them with 0 (Select filter next to the NewDeaths column, remove selection againt "Select All", select "Blanc". Now fill 0 (zero) againt all the blanc cells. Now click on the filter, and select all to bring it back to original view. Save the excel sheet)
- works with excel sheet 16 March and previous dates works with excel sheet 17 March and latest
Create Virtual env virtualenv --python=python3.8 covid19VirEnv
To activate the the virtual environment run covid19VirEnv\Scripts\activate
To install dependencies run pip install pandas matplotlib tabulate plotly xlrd requests
deactivate deactivate
To activate the the virtual environment run covid19VirEnv\Scripts\activate
To generate the graphs run python --country=China
--country parameter is optional.