####1. Convert multiple smi files to the SINGLE txt file to make a ebook.
This will detect charset automatically and conver it to UTF-8.
Only smi files in CURRENT DIRECTORY will be converted to txt file.
This will include smi2srt conversion as well. srt file will be located same directory.
$python spider_man
convert all smi files in CURRENT DIRECTORY and save those to a spider_man.txt
####2. Convert smi files to srt in current directory.
This will detect charset automatically and conver it to UTF-8.
Only smi files in CURRENT DIRECTORY will be converted to srt file.
$python srt_only
convert all smi files in CURRENT DIRECTORY to the srt file.
####3. Convert encoding of specified text files to UTF-8
This will detect charset automatically and conver it to UTF-8.
All files in CURRENT and SUB-DIRECTORIES will be converted.
User to specify file extension to be convereted
$python CHAR_CONV srt smi xxx
convert all .srt, .smi and .xxx files in CURRENT DIRECTORY and SUB-DIRECTORIES to same file with UTF-8 encoding.
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