This is a Flutter app that demonstrates the usage of Riverpod for state management, Dio for HTTP requests, and various features such as fetching random user data, listing products, pagination, adding favorites, and showing product details.
- Fetches random user data.
- Lists products with pagination.
- Allows users to add products to favorites.
- Shows more details of a product.
- Flutter SDK 3.19.2
Clone this repository:
git clone [email protected]:ramirezsebas/products_app.git
Navigate to the project directory:
cd products_app
Install dependencies:
<!-- In case you have fvm installed --> fvm use flutter pub get
Run the app on a connected device or emulator:
flutter run --flavor development --target lib/main_development.dart
Created a makefile to make it easier to generate the code(Riverpod).
make gen
The app uses the User API to fetch random user data.
The app uses the Products API to fetch products data.