Steps to run the app: 1.Pyhton3 and python3-venv should be installed
2.python3 -m venv virtualenvname
3.source virtualenvname/bin/activate
4.python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
5.pip install -r requirements.txt
6.python3 makemigrations
7.python3 migrate
8.python3 runserver
The API is a browsable API implemented in DjangoRestFramework
api/users/register/ : To register a user user
api/users/login/ : To login the user
After this step login from the given username and password by clicking on the login button on the top right hand side of the screen
api/users/list/ : To list all the users
api/users/<pk>/ : To retrieve details about a particular user
After creating multiple users we can follow other users
api/users/follow/<pk>/ : To follow a user, After following the user its status posts will be visible to us
api/status/: Will list all of our status posts
api/status/create/ : To post a status
api/status/<pk>/ : To retrieve details about a particular status
api/status/<pk>/update/ : To update details about a particular status
api/status/<pk>/destroy/ : To delete a particular status
api/status/list_all/ : Will list all the status posts of the users whom we follow
api/status/share/<pk>/ : To share a post
api/status/like/<pk>/ : To like a post
api/comments/create/<pk>/: Will create a comment for the given status