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Releases: rainbow-me/rainbowkit

@rainbow-me/[email protected]

02 Jun 05:07
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Patch Changes

@rainbow-me/[email protected]

31 May 22:45
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Patch Changes

  • 4be196e: Ensure Brave Wallet and Tokenary aren’t detected as MetaMask

    Both Brave Wallet and Tokenary set window.ethereum.isMetaMask to true which causes issues with the logic for providing the fallback "Injected Wallet" option. Similar to wagmi, we now detect when MetaMask is being impersonated by these wallets.

  • 7403fab: Add dialog overlay blurs to the theme

  • 4be196e: Add Brave Wallet support

    Brave Wallet is now included as part of the default set of wallets returned from getDefaultWallets, but note that is only visible within the Brave browser to avoid prompting users to download an entirely different web browser.

    Brave Wallet is also included as part of the wallet object to support its usage in custom wallet lists, e.g. wallet.brave({ chains, shimDisconnect: true }).

@rainbow-me/[email protected]

27 May 02:21
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Patch Changes

  • a921853: Add disclaimer to the appInfo property in RainbowKitProvider, which displays a custom disclaimer at the bottom of the connection modal's welcome screen

@rainbow-me/[email protected]

26 May 00:09
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Minor Changes

  • c0c494a: Breaking: Updated the wagmi peer dependency to ^0.4 & removed the configureChains & apiProvider exports.

    You now need to use wagmi's configureChains function and providers.

    Migration guide

    1. Upgrade wagmi to ^0.4.2

    npm i wagmi@^0.4.2

    2. Migrate configureChains

    import {
    -  configureChains
    } from '@rainbow-me/rainbowkit';
    +import { configureChains } from 'wagmi';

    3. Migrate providers

    apiProvider.alchemy to alchemyProvider

    -import {
    -  apiProvider,
    -} from '@rainbow-me/rainbowkit';
    import { configureChains } from 'wagmi';
    +import { alchemyProvider } from 'wagmi/providers/alchemy';
    const { chains, provider } = configureChains(
      [chain.mainnet, chain.polygon, chain.optimism, chain.arbitrum],
    - [apiProvider.alchemy(process.env.ALCHEMY_ID)]
    + [alchemyProvider({ alchemyId: process.env.ALCHEMY_ID })]

    apiProvider.infura to infuraProvider

    -import {
    -  apiProvider,
    -} from '@rainbow-me/rainbowkit';
    import { configureChains } from 'wagmi';
    +import { infuraProvider } from 'wagmi/providers/infura';
    const { chains, provider } = configureChains(
      [chain.mainnet, chain.polygon, chain.optimism, chain.arbitrum],
    - [apiProvider.infura(process.env.INFURA_ID)]
    + [infuraProvider({ infuraId: process.env.INFURA_ID })]

    apiProvider.jsonRpc to jsonRpcProvider

    -import {
    -  apiProvider,
    -} from '@rainbow-me/rainbowkit';
    import { configureChains } from 'wagmi';
    +import { jsonRpcProvider } from 'wagmi/providers/jsonRpc';
    const { chains, provider } = configureChains(
      [chain.mainnet, chain.polygon],
    -   apiProvider.jsonRpc(chain => ({
    -     rpcUrl: `https://${}`,
    -   })),
    +   jsonRpcProvider({
    +     rpc: chain => ({
    +       http: `https://${}`,
    +     }),
    +   }),

    apiProvider.fallback to publicProvider

    -import {
    -  apiProvider,
    -} from '@rainbow-me/rainbowkit';
    import { configureChains } from 'wagmi';
    +import { publicProvider } from 'wagmi/providers/public';
    const { chains, provider } = configureChains(
      [chain.mainnet, chain.polygon],
    - [apiProvider.fallback()]
    + [publicProvider()]

@rainbow-me/[email protected]

24 May 00:10
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Patch Changes

  • 0b98497: Add Steakwallet to list of available wallets

    Example usage:

    import { wallet } from '@rainbow-me/rainbowkit';
    const steakwallet = wallet.steak({ chains });

@rainbow-me/[email protected]

19 May 22:35
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Patch Changes

  • 85be3f8: Avatar image is now correctly centered, and background + emoji are hidden if image is present.

  • 4062169: Add ethers to peer dependencies to ensure consistent versioning with wagmi

    We previously had a direct dependency on @ethersproject/providers, but this meant that provider instances generated by RainbowKit could potentially clash with the version of Ethers.js installed alongside wagmi. To avoid this, we’re now relying on the ethers peer dependency that wagmi already requires, ensuring that there's only ever a single copy of ethers between them.

  • 5224d54: Adds imToken to available wallets

  • b1b09c5: Add the label prop to the ConnectButton component to easily display a custom label on the button.

  • 39fa4cb: Fix bug where click events were ignored on the edges of links/buttons due to scale transforms during hover/active states

  • 127690a: Added an aria label to the x button inside the dialog

  • 5213855: Fix usage of quotes in custom theme font values

  • 209aa43: Add line-height values to all text styles

  • be6ee16: Pin to exact versions of dependencies and reduce bundle size by inlining platform/browser checks from detect-browser

  • c4e7f67: Increase specificity of RainbowKit styles to avoid app styles overriding them

    In order to avoid issues with CSS ordering and specificity, we've prepended a data attribute selector to all styles in RainbowKit. This ensures that low-specificity styles like CSS resets won't override RainbowKit styles if they're applied later in the document.

@rainbow-me/[email protected]

04 May 19:36
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Minor Changes

Patch Changes

  • b785e31: Make getDefaultWallets return an object containing connectors and wallets

    In order to streamline the setup process, the getDefaultWallets function now returns an object containing both connectors and wallets properties. This means that most consumers will no longer need to use the connectorsForWallets function, accessing the generated connectors value instead.

    Migration guide

    -import { getDefaultWallets, connectorsForWallets } from '@rainbow-me/rainbowkit';
    +import { getDefaultWallets } from '@rainbow-me/rainbowkit';
    -const wallets = getDefaultWallets({
    +const { connectors } = getDefaultWallets({
      /* ... */
    -const connectors = connectorsForWallets(wallets);

    If you were modifying the wallet list returned from getDefaultWallets, you’ll need to destructure the wallets property from the returned object.

    import { getDefaultWallets, connectorsForWallets } from '@rainbow-me/rainbowkit';
    -const wallets = getDefaultWallets({
    +const { wallets } = getDefaultWallets({
      /* ... */
    const connectors = connectorsForWallets(wallets);
  • 0cad1ad: Uses wagmi's Metamask Connector instead of Injected Connector for RainbowKit's metmask wallet

  • 353d2ef: Add support for custom accentColor values to built-in themes and add an accentColorForeground option to support custom text colors when rendered on top of the accent color

    To enable this change, the built in blue, green, orange, pink, purple and red accent color presets are now provided by an accentColors property on each theme function. If you were using the accentColor option previously and want to maintain the existing behavior, you’ll need to make the following change:

    -  accentColor: 'purple',
    +  ...darkTheme.accentColors.purple,

    Example usage

    When using a custom accent color:

    import { RainbowKitProvider, darkTheme } from '@rainbow-me/rainbowkit';
    const App = () => {
      return (
            accentColor: '#7b3fe4',
            accentColorForeground: 'white',
          {/* Your App */}

    When using a built-in accent color preset:

    import { RainbowKitProvider, darkTheme } from '@rainbow-me/rainbowkit';
    const App = () => {
      return (
          {/* Your App */}
  • e9a374e: You now pass the learnMoreUrl as a property to the new appInfo property instead of directly to RainbowkitProvider. This appInfo also exposes appName to display your app's name in Rainbowkit.

  • 2c79870: Reserve height of ConnectButton during server/static render

    In order to reduce layout shift during page load, the ConnectButton component now renders its content in an invisible and inert state before mount.

  • e570773: Shrink bundled CSS size by using minified identifiers

    We were previously publishing CSS with human-readable debug identifiers (class names, keyframes etc.), but these have now been replaced with their smaller hash-only versions, e.g. the .reset__iekbcc0 class is now .iekbcc0.

    While these identifiers have never been guaranteed to be stable between versions, it’s possible that some consumers may have been given a false sense of API stability due to these debug names. If you have any custom CSS overrides that break due to these changes, it’s recommended that you avoid referencing them entirely rather than updating them since they’re likely to change again without notice in future releases.

  • 7ac6f61: Add icons to testnets

  • 353d2ef: Fix accent color contrast issues with dark/midnight themes

    When using the green, orange or pink accent color presets, the foreground text color is now black rather than white to improve contrast.

  • 353d2ef: Remove the yellow accent color preset from built-in themes

    Since the color value used for the yellow preset is unable to be made accessible consistently across all themes, it is now removed from the built-in theme APIs.

  • 5444298: The mobile.getUri & desktop.getUri attributes are now async on the wallet connector API.


      mobile: {
        getUri: () => connector.getProvider().connector.uri


      mobile: {
        getUri: async () => (await connector.getProvider()).connector.uri;
  • 77e74be: ConnectButton.Custom no longer renders null when unmounted.

    In order to support custom loading indicators and/or hooks in your render function, ConnectButton.Custom no longer renders null internally before mount.

    Migration guide

    If you wish to maintain the existing behavior, a new mounted boolean is passed to your render function which allows you to render null manually when mounted is false.

    import { ConnectButton } from '@rainbow-me/rainbowkit';
    export default () => (
    +      mounted,
          }) => {
    +        if (!mounted) {
    +          return null;
    +        }
            return <button>...</button>;
  • 9e17b07: Hide the network switcher when only a single chain has been configured.

  • 8a4b3fe: wagmi's CoinbaseWalletConnector handles injected and mobile/non-injected use cases now.

  • c927bd7: Adds Ledger Live to available wallets (using WC)

  • 5444298: Updated the wagmi peer dependency to ^0.3.0.

    [email protected] has introduced breaking changes from 0.2.x that you will need to be aware of when upgrading. See the migration guide to [email protected] here.

    In order to use wagmi with RainbowKit, you will now need to create a wagmi client that you will pass to WagmiProvider (instead of passing configuration directly).


    import { WagmiProvider } from 'wagmi';
    const App = () => {
      return (
        <WagmiProvider autoConnect connectors={connectors} provider={provider}>
          <RainbowKitProvider chains={chains}>
            <YourApp />


    import { createClient, WagmiProvider } from 'wagmi';
    const wagmiClient = createClient({
      autoConnect: true,
    const App = () => {
      return (
        <WagmiProvider client={wagmiClient}>
          <RainbowKitProvider chains={chains}>
            <YourApp />

    Note: if you are using chains from wagmi, the default network names are now designed to suitable for usage within the UI.


    const chains = [
      { ...chain.mainnet, name: 'Ethereum' },
      { ...chain.polygonMainnet, name: 'Polygon' },


    const chains = [chain.mainnet, chain.polygon];
  • 9d351d0: All wallet and chain icons are now included within the RainbowKit package.

    In order to improve image loading performance and eliminate the dependency on remote URLs, all built-in wallet and chain icons are now included within the RainbowKit package itself as Base64 data URLs. Since this would typically have a negative impact on bundle size, all image loading is done via dynamic imports and deferred until after app hydration.

  • df6c310: Truncates long ENS names

  • 792fd03: Add cool mode

  • 13fa857: Add recent transaction support

    You can now opt in to displaying recent transactions within RainbowKit’s account modal. Note that all transactions must be manually registered with RainbowKit in order to be displayed.

    First enable the showRecentTransactions option on RainbowKitProvider.

    import { RainbowKitProvider } from '@rainbow-me/rainbowkit';
    const App = () => {
      return (
        <RainbowKitProvider showRecentTransactions={true} {...etc}>
          {/* ... */}

    Transactions can then be registered with RainbowKit using the useAddRecentTransaction hook.

    import { useAddRecentTransaction } from '@rainbow-me/rainbowkit';
    export default () => {
      const addRecentTransaction = useAddRecentTransaction();
      return (
          onClick={() => {
              hash: '0x...',
              description: '...',
          Add recent transaction

    Once a transaction has been registered with RainbowKit, its status will be updated upon completion.

    By default the transaction will be considered completed once a single block has been mined on top of the block in which the transaction was mined, but this can be configured by specifying a custom confirmations value.

    import { useAddRecentTransaction } from '@rainbow-me/rainbowkit';
    export default () => {
      const addRecentTransaction = useAddRecentTransaction();
      return (
          onClick={() => {
              hash: '0x...',
              description: '...',
              confirmations: 100,
          Add recent transaction
  • a1633cf: Load all illustrations asynchronously to keep them out of the main bundle

  • 13fa857: Add support for pending transaction indicators to ConnectButton.Custom

    After ...

Read more

@rainbow-me/[email protected]

05 Apr 04:36
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Patch Changes

  • 670cbfc: Theme API changes

    Theme object has been updated in the following way:


    colors.buttonBorder -> colors.actionButtonBorder
    colors.buttonSecondaryBackground -> colors.actionButtonSecondaryBackground
    colors.buttonText -> colors.actionButtonText
    colors.modalClose -> colors.closeButton
    colors.modalCloseBackground -> colors.closeButtonBackground





    New theme type can be found in the Readme.

    New Accent Colors

    Developers can now choose between 7 accent colors ("blue" | "green" | "orange" | "pink" | "purple" | "red" | "yellow").

  • 06fb716: Inline built-in wallet icons as data URLs

  • d553141: Fix chainId type error in strict mode

  • a696f2c: Add Hardhat chain (chainId: 31337) icon

  • e33d34b: Add support for custom “Learn more” URLs

    • To customize the URL for the “Learn more” link within the “What is a wallet?” section, you can provide the optional learnMoreUrl prop to RainbowKitProvider.
    • If you‘ve created a custom wallet with QR code instructions, you must now provide the qrCode.instructions.learnMoreUrl property.
  • 96e78b3: Add fontStack option to built-in themes, supporting "rounded" and "system" variants.

    You can now opt out of using SF Pro Rounded, using default system fonts instead.

    Example usage

    const theme = lightTheme({
      fontStack: 'system',
  • 5aef783: Prevent body from scrolling while modal is open.

  • 8d0025a: Increase z-index of modal to 2147483646 (Coinbase modal z-index minus 1) to ensure RainbowKit renders on top of other elements.

  • 136c6ea: Adds Argent & Trust to available wallets

  • 6df9c50: Fix error when using a chain that doesn’t have an explorer URL defined

  • 9f05ad7: Fix tablet styles

    The sizing and positioning of modals have been fixed on tablet devices.

  • fe2066f: Highlight the most recently used wallets at the start of the wallet list.

  • c174e12: Render WalletConnect QR code within RainbowKit modal

    The official WalletConnect modal is still available if needed, but the QR code is now rendered in the standard RainbowKit style when selecting WalletConnect from the wallet list.

  • baf998c: Update Wallet API

    Note that this only affects consumers that have created custom wallets. All built-in wallets have been updated to use the new API.

    • The Wallet type is now an object rather than a function. Static properties (id, name, etc.) have been left at the top level, while the connector and connection method configuration has been moved to the wallet.getConnector() function. This allows consumers to tell wallet instances apart without having to instantiate their connectors.
      • connector has been moved to createConnector().connector
      • qrCode has been moved to createConnector().qrCode
      • qrCode.logoUri has been renamed to qrCode.iconUrl for consistency.
      • instructions has been moved to createConnector().qrCode.instructions and is now an object with a steps array where each item has a step property that is either "install", "create", or "scan".
      • getMobileConnectionUri has been moved to createConnector().mobile.getUri
    • ready has been renamed to installed to differentiate it from wagmi’s ready concept.
    • downloadUrls has been restructured into an object with optional values android, ios, browserExtension, qrCode (link from scanning QR code on desktop).
    • You can now provide an optional shortName property which will be used on mobile.
  • eaa5bf6: Support custom wallet groups

    Custom wallets must now be defined using the WalletList type to support grouping.

    Example usage

    import { wallet, WalletList } from '@rainbow-me/rainbowkit';
    const wallets: WalletList = [
        groupName: 'Suggested',
        wallets: [wallet.rainbow({ chains, infuraId })],

@rainbow-me/[email protected]

05 Apr 04:35
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Patch Changes