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Releases: rainbow-me/rainbowkit

@rainbow-me/[email protected]

21 Jun 00:14
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Patch Changes

  • ee81177: Support deep linking of wallet interactions for WalletConnect on Android

@rainbow-me/[email protected]

20 Jun 00:50
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Patch Changes

  • 33a2dd7: Automatically connect to the first chain in the chains array to avoid presenting the "Wrong network" state immediately after connecting

@rainbow-me/[email protected]

16 Jun 01:06
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Patch Changes

@rainbow-me/[email protected]

15 Jun 02:55
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Minor Changes

  • 233a6d7: Breaking: Removed the chainId parameter from createConnector on the Wallet type (Custom Wallets).

    Note that all built-in wallets are using the new API. Most consumers will be unaffected. This change only affects consumers that have created/consumed custom wallets.

    If you previously derived RPC URLs from the chainId on createConnector, you can now remove that logic as wagmi now handles RPC URLs internally when used with configureChains.

    import { connectorsForWallets, wallet, Chain, Wallet } from '@rainbow-me/rainbowkit';
    import { chain, configureChains } from 'wagmi';
    import { alchemyProvider } from 'wagmi/providers/alchemy';
    import { publicProvider } from 'wagmi/providers/public';
    import { WalletConnectConnector } from 'wagmi/connectors/walletConnect';
    export interface MyWalletOptions {
      chains: Chain[];
    -const chains = [chain.mainnet]
    +const { chains } = configureChains(
    +  [chain.mainnet],
    +  [
    +    alchemyProvider({ alchemyId: process.env.ALCHEMY_ID }),
    +    publicProvider(),
    +  ]
    export const rainbow = ({ chains }: MyWalletOptions): Wallet => ({
    - createConnector: ({ chainId }) => {
    + createConnector: () => {
    -   const rpc = chains.reduce(
    -     (rpcUrlMap, chain) => ({
    -       ...rpcUrlMap,
    -       [chainId]: chain.rpcUrls.default,
    -     }),
    -     {}
    -   );
        const connector = new WalletConnectConnector({
          options: {
            qrcode: false,
    -       rpc,
    const connectors = connectorsForWallets([
        groupName: 'Recommended',
        wallets: [
          rainbow({ chains }),

@rainbow-me/[email protected]

15 Jun 00:52
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Patch Changes

  • ce473cd: Fix WalletConnect in Brave when a large number of WalletConnect-based wallets have been configured

    Brave’s fingerprint prevention logic silently blocks WebSocket connections if too many are opened in the same session. Since we create a fresh WalletConnect connector instance for each wallet, consumers that have configured a large number of wallets can inadvertently break the connection flow in Brave.

    To fix this, we now share WalletConnect connector instances between wallets when the connectors are being provided with the same options.

@rainbow-me/[email protected]

09 Jun 23:43
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Patch Changes

  • 867067c: Improve deep linking support for WalletConnect-based wallets on iOS

    We now store the wallet’s universal link URL in local storage so that WalletConnect can use it for deep linking. This is typically handled by the official WalletConnect modal, but we need to handle it ourselves when rendering custom QR codes within RainbowKit.

@rainbow-me/[email protected]

07 Jun 00:43
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Patch Changes

  • fd5e8e7: Fix npm user agent detection

    We try to detect the package manager being used for the init/create script but we were failing to detect npm correctly, instead falling through to using pnpm, yarn or npm (in that order) depending on availability. The logic for detecting npm has now been fixed.

  • fd5e8e7: Fix install step in Yarn

    The install command for @rainbow-me/create-rainbowkit was failing when using yarn create because Yarn uses add instead of install, so we now use the correct command when Yarn is detected.

@rainbow-me/[email protected]

06 Jun 22:43
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Patch Changes

  • ac37201: Ensure files are copied correctly when template source directory is nested within a path containing node_modules
  • 9e06333: Add missing Node shebang to CLI

@rainbow-me/[email protected]

03 Jun 00:21
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Patch Changes

  • 0686c2f: Fix visual bug where focus outlines were out of sync with buttons/links on click when toggling between keyboard and mouse usage
  • dfc7d13: Add the avatar prop to RainbowKitProvider to allow developers to provide their own custom avatar component.

@rainbow-me/[email protected]

03 Jun 00:21
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Patch Changes

  • fe5cfc5: Add missing chalk dependency
  • 85ef6ec: Exclude when copying app templates