A React App built to ingest the Guardian Open Platform API and return snippets of articles matching search queries (with "Read More" links to full content on the Guardian website). Project also uses Bootstrap-like styles and FontAwesome.
This project was developed following as much React best-practice and style as possible given my current understanding and appreciation of JavaScript and React. This includes use of ES6+ (const/let, async-await, arrow functions, classes, destructuring), declaration of propTypes and defaultProps, use of functional and class based components as appropriate, use of local env variables, etc.
- Articles + Article Items (grid)
- Navbar (static)
- Spinner (when loading search results)
- Searchbar (with Clear)
- Alerts
- React Router
- Article tags + details
- Hooks, Context and Reducers
- Stylesheets redone (currently using Bootstrap cloned styles)