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Upmerge docs to edge #39

Upmerge docs to edge

Upmerge docs to edge #39

Workflow file for this run

# This workflow automates the process of upmerging changes from the current release branch to the edge branch.
# During the course of a release, the release branch is the default branch so that PRs can be immediately
# brought into the release without waiting for a new release. This workflow merges those changes into
# the edge branch so that edge can be used as the basis for the next release branch.
# This workflow assumes that it is being triggered from the current release branch, but it could be triggered from
# any branch, and it uses that branch as the source branch for merging into the edge branch.
# The workflow is triggered manually via the workflow_dispatch event.
# The workflow performs the following steps:
# 1. Checks out the edge branch.
# 2. Configures git with a user name and email.
# 3. Creates a new branch from edge.
# 4. Merges changes from the branch executing the workflow into the edge branch created in the previous step.
# 5. Pushes the new branch if there are changes.
# 6. Creates a pull request to merge the new branch into edge.
# Example:
# The current release branch is v0.36. We are creating the new release for v0.37.
# The release person manually triggers this workflow from branch v0.36. The workflow runs, which does the following
# 1. A new branch is created named upmerge/2024-07-31-98b9. The source branch is edge.
# 2. Changes from branch v0.36 are merged into branch upmerge/2024-07-31-98b9.
# 3. A PR is created from branch upmerge/2024-07-31-98b9 --> edge. The workflow finishes and reports success.
name: Upmerge docs to edge
name: Upmerge docs to edge
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Checkout the edge branch
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
ref: edge
fetch-depth: 0
- name: Configure git
run: |
git config --global "[email protected]"
git config --global "Radius CI Bot"
# Create a new branch from edge. This branch will be used to PR back into edge.
- name: Create new branch
run: |
export DATE=$(date +%Y-%m-%d)
export RAND=$(openssl rand -hex 2)
export BRANCH_NAME=upmerge/$DATE-$RAND
git checkout -b $BRANCH_NAME
# Merge changes from the github.ref branch, i.e., the branch from which the workflow is triggered. That
# branch is assumed to be the current release branch, but could be any branch.
# If there are no changes, stop the workflow.
- name: Upmerge docs
run: |
export SOURCE_BRANCH=$(basename ${{ github.ref }})
echo "Upmerging docs from $SOURCE_BRANCH to edge"
git fetch origin $SOURCE_BRANCH
git merge -m "Upmerge to edge" origin/$SOURCE_BRANCH
if git diff --quiet edge; then
echo "No changes to merge from $SOURCE_BRANCH to edge"
echo "NO_CHANGES=true" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "Pushing $BRANCH_NAME for PR to edge"
git reset HEAD docs/config.toml docs/layouts/partials/hooks/body-end.html
git push --set-upstream origin $BRANCH_NAME
# Create a PR from the new branch to edge
- name: Create pull request
if: env.NO_CHANGES != 'true'
run: gh pr create --title "Upmerge to edge" --body "Upmerge to edge (kicked off by @${{ github.triggering_actor }})" --base edge --head $BRANCH_NAME --signoff