Releases: rabbitmq/rabbitmq-stream-dotnet-client
Bug Fixes
- Handle too many hearts missing with reconnection by @Gsantomaggio in #394
enum for theReliable
Producer and Consumer.
It maps theTCP connection closed by too many heartbeats missing
Thanks to @bastl98 for testing it
Full Changelog: v1.8.8...v1.8.9
- Add Connection Pool Close configuration by @Gsantomaggio in #389
- Follow-up to #385 by @lukebakken in #386
- Update RabbitMQ version and the test by @Gsantomaggio in #390
Bug Fixes
- Fix Client memory leak caused by not detaching UnhandledException event handler by @Jordan-Osborn in #391
New Contributors
- @Jordan-Osborn made their first contribution in #391
Full Changelog: v1.8.7...v1.8.8
- Add RPCtimeout by @Gsantomaggio in #385
It is possible to configure the RPC Timeout:var config = new StreamSystemConfig() { RpcTimeOut = TimeSpan.Seconds(5) };
Bug Fixes
- Fix
Unhandled exception (Operation is not valid due to the current state
@Gsantomaggio in #385 - Thanks to @mbaillargeon-ubi for the debug
Full Changelog: v1.8.6...v1.8.7
Bug Fixes
- Fix filter for deduplication producer by @Gsantomaggio in #383
Full Changelog: v1.8.5...v1.8.6
is now deprecated.
The method name may be misleading. It does not indicate the last offset of the stream. It means the last uncommitted chunk id. This information is not necessary. The user should use CommittedChunkId()
. See #380
Full Changelog: v1.8.4...v1.8.5
Bug Fixes
- Use user defined loopback address if available (#374) by @CoenraadS in #377
New Contributors
- @CoenraadS made their first contribution in #377
Full Changelog: v1.8.3...v1.8.4
Bug Fixes
Full Changelog: v1.8.2...v1.8.3
- Add support build for net8 by @Gsantomaggio in #366
- Add missing ReadUuid. by @bangjiehan in #367
Bug Fixes
- Updated Secret try to reconnect the client by @Gsantomaggio in #364
- Read VersionString from AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute (#365) by @doerig in #368
New Contributors
Thank you to:
- @bangjiehan made their first contribution in #367
- @doerig made their first contribution in #368
And to @vivek-singh2 for testing the client
Full Changelog: v1.8.1...v1.8.2
Bug fix
- Dispatch the update secrets by @Gsantomaggio in #362
Full Changelog: v1.8.0...v1.8.1
This version is a bug fix for the 1.8.0
Please read the full release notes here:
(Below, you can find all the changes/PRs)
What's new in 1.8
The 1.8 focus are:
- Multiple Consumers and Producers per connection
- Improve the reconnection for stream and super stream.
The high-level classes Consumer
and Producer
don't introduce breaking changes.
The RawSuperStream*
classes change the default behaviour. Please take a look at the section 3.
Main changes:
1. Multiple Consumers and Producers per connection
The RabbitMQ stream protocol supports multi-producers and multi-consumers per TCP Connection.
This version introduces the connection pool for Consumers and Producers.
There is a new ConnectionPoolConfig
new StreamSystemConfig {
ConnectionPoolConfig = new ConnectionPoolConfig()
ConsumersPerConnection = 10,
ProducersPerConnection = 10,
== The number of consumers per connection min 1 max 200 default is 1
== The number of producers per connection min 1 max 200 default is 1
Each connection can handle different streams; see the image:
Sharing the same connection for multiple streams reduces the number of connections, but it could impact the performances:
- Consumer side. If one consumer is slow, it can also affect the other consumers
- Producer side: If all the producers are at full rate, it can reduce the performances
The proper parameter depends on your environment.
You can use different StreamSystemConfig
configToReduceTheConnections = new StreamSystemConfig{
ConnectionPoolConfig = new ConnectionPoolConfig() {
ConsumersPerConnection = 50, // high value
ProducersPerConnection = 50, // high value
configToIncreaseThePerformances = new StreamSystemConfig{
ConnectionPoolConfig = new ConnectionPoolConfig() {
ConsumersPerConnection = 1, // low value
ProducersPerConnection = 1, // low value
There are many combinations from 1
to 200
2. Improve the reconnections
Handle streamNotAvailable
, Add disconnection Info: #343
Improve the super stream reconnection: #344
Increase the backoff strategy time: #345
Please follow this document If you want to know more about what happens during a broker restart.
The focus is to improve the reconnection during the cluster restart.
3. Raw Super stream events
Removed the auto-reconnect. The RawSuperStreamProducer
and RawSuperStreamConsumer
classes now expose two events:
**NOTE: If you are using these classes, the auto-reconnect is removed to be compliant with all the Raw*
classes. **
You should use Consumer
and Producer
unless for a specific use case.
For Raw* users:
- Super Stream: during the disconnection, it is possible to understand the disconnection cause and reconnect the stream like:
var consumer = await system.CreateSuperStreamConsumer(configuration);
var completed = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
configuration.ConnectionClosedHandler = async (reason, stream) =>
if (reason == ConnectionClosedReason.Unexpected)
await consumer.ReconnectPartition(
await system.StreamInfo(stream).ConfigureAwait(false)
The same is true for the standard consumer.
- Metadata update
MetadataHandler = async update =>
await consumer.ReconnectPartition(
await system.StreamInfo(stream).ConfigureAwait(false));
4. Add events to Producer
and Consumer
See: #349
See also:
where you can find an example of how to use StatusChanged
producerConfig.StatusChanged += (status) =>
var streamInfo = status.Partition is not null
? $" Partition {status.Partition} of super stream: {status.Stream}"
: $"Stream: {status.Stream}";
lp.LogInformation("Producer: {Id} - status changed from {From} to {To}. {Info}",
status.To, streamInfo);
if (status.To == ReliableEntityStatus.Open)
5. Update Secret
See #342
6. SuperStream Creation/Deletion
See: #357
There are two ways to create the super-stream:
- Based on partitions with:
const string SuperStream = "my-first-system-super-stream";
var spec = new PartitionsSuperStreamSpec(SuperStream, 2);
await system.CreateSuperStream(spec);
- Based on keys with:
const string SuperStream = "countries";
var system = await StreamSystem.Create(new StreamSystemConfig());
var conf = new BindingsSuperStreamSpec(SuperStream, new[] { "italy", "france", "spain", "germany", "uk" });
await system.CreateSuperStream(conf);
- Multiple Producers and Consumers per connection by @Gsantomaggio in #328
- New event to handle Metadata update by @Gsantomaggio in #332
- Improve the rawProducer and rawSuperStreamProducer status by @Gsantomaggio in #337
- Handle cancellation token during the consumer close by @Gsantomaggio in #339
- Update license to Broadcom by @Gsantomaggio in #341
- Improve Reconnection by @Gsantomaggio in #343
- Improve the super stream reconnection by @Gsantomaggio in #344
- Increase the backoff strategy time by @Gsantomaggio in #345
- Add Producer/Consumer Identifier by @Gsantomaggio in #348
- Add event status changed by @Gsantomaggio in #349
- Update secret functionality by @simone-fariselli in #342
- Consumer connected only to the followers by @Gsantomaggio in #352
- Check the entity status during the close by @Gsantomaggio in #353
- Add Chunk info consumer side by @Gsantomaggio in #355
- Remove code duplication to handle the pool by @Gsantomaggio in #356
- Implement Add/Remove super stream feature by @Gsantomaggio in #357
- Add super stream exists API by @Gsantomaggio in #358
Bug fix
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.7.4...v1.8.0