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Tools to discover natural selection given multiple evolved DNA sequences (e.g., gnomad cohort, or multiple tumor samples)


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This creates a conda environment that should be activated with, e.g.,:

conda activate constraint-tools

Only installation on Linux x86_64 is currently supported. Tested in the Protected Environment computer cluster of the Center for High Performance Computing (CHPC) at University of Utah.

Quick Start

Assuming one has access to the protected environment on the CHPC at University of Utah, one can do a prototype training using:

bash tests/germline-model/

One can render a prototype browser using:

bash tests/germline-model/

Follow the instructions at the command line to view a web app that visualizes observed SNV and singleton counts, and those expected under a null model of sequence-dependent mutation (see define-model folder), as a function of genomic coordinate.



Valid values for SUB_COMMAND are:

      Estimate kmer-dependent SNV probabilities and singleton-count probabilities 
      (see the model defined in the "define-model" folder)
      Estimate kmer-dependent SNV probabilities only  
      (see the model defined in the "define-model" folder)
      Start a web app that visualizes observed and expected 
      SNV and singleton counts as a function of genomic coordinate
      Compute z-scores (Nbar and Kbar) for each user-supplied window. 
      Compute z-scores (Nbar only) for each user-supplied window. 

Required arguments for train-germline-model and train-germline-model-Nonly are:

--genome STR
      Path to a reference fasta. 
      A "samtools faidx" index is expected to be present at the same path. 
--build STR 
      Human reference genome build. 
      Allowed values for STR are "hg19" and "hg38".
--mutations STR 
      Path to a set of mutations specified as tab-separated values with column headings: 
      "chromosome start end variant_type REF ALT number_ALT 
      number_ALT_chromosomes number_chromosomes SYMBOL Gene Amino_acids 
      CANONICAL Consequence Feature_type Feature miscellaneous". 
      A "tabix" index is expected to be present at the same path.
--number-chromosomes-min INT
      Only consider SNVs at which the nucleotide identity (allele) is known 
      in >=INT chromosomes in the cohort.
--kmer-size INT
      Size of kmer in model to be trained. 
--model STR 
      JSON file to store the trained model in. 
--work STR 
      Path to a directory to store intermediate work and logs.
--progress-bars STR 
      Allowed values are "disk" or "stdout", 
      indicating whether to store logs containing "progress bars" 
      to disk or stdout, respetively.

By default the train-germline-model subcommand uses a pre-computed training set of trustworthy noncoding regions from the GRCH38 reference located in the /dist folder, and a reasonable value of the size of the window within which to count singletons. Optionally, the user may change either of these defaults by specifying the --trustworthy-noncoding-regions and --window-size arguments:

--trustworthy-noncoding-regions STR
      Bed-format file containing a list of genomic intervals on which the model is to be trained.
--window-size INT
      Size of the intervals used to compute the null distribution of singleton count. 
      This is also the size of the window in "test" regions.

Optional arguments for train-germline-model are:

--max-trustworthy-noncoding-region-length INT 
      Trustworthy noncoding regions longer than this number are filtered out 
      from the set of regions that are ultimately used to train the model. 

The train-germline-model-Nonly subcommand requires:

--train-regions STR 
      Genomic intervals on which the model is to be trained. 
      Compressed bed format.
--train-regions-label STR 
      A string to tag the corresponding slurm job.

Optional arguments for train-germline-model-Nonly are:

--max-train-region-length INT 
      Regions longer than this number are filtered out 
      from the set of regions that are ultimately used to train the model. 

Optional arguments common to train-germline-model and train-germline-model-Nonly are:

--number-of-jobs INT 
      Number of slurm jobs to use during training. 

Running train-germline-model produces a specification of the sequence-dependent and allele-frequency-aware null model in json format; running train-germline-model-Nonly produces a specification of the sequence-dependent null model in json format. Both are viewable using, e.g.,

${CONSTRAINT_TOOLS}/bin/jq . <model> 

Required arguments for browse-germline-model are:

--port INT 
      The port to serve the web-app on (beware of

while optional arguments are:

--model STR
      Path to a null model produced by the train-germline-model sub-command (in json format). 
      This model is used to compute the expected SNV and singleton counts. 
--trustworthy-noncoding-regions STR
      Path to a set of trustworthy noncoding regions. 

Required arguments for predict-germline-model and predict-germline-model-Nonly are:

--model STR
      Path to a null model produced by the `train-germline-model` or `train-germline-model-Nonly` sub-commands, respectively, (in json format). 
      This model is used to compute the expected SNV and singleton counts, or just the expected SNV counts, respectively. 
--windows STR
      Path to a set of windows on which to compute z-scores. 
      Windows on X and Y chromosomes are not allowed. 
      Uncompressed bed format. 
--zscores STR 
      A path to a file in which the genome-wide z-scores will be stored (.bed.gz)
--work STR 
      Path to a directory to store intermediate work and logs.
--progress-bars STR 
      Allowed values are "disk" or "stdout", 
      indicating whether to store logs containing "progress bars" 
      to disk or stdout, respetively.

while optional arguments are:

--number-of-jobs INT 
      Number of slurm jobs to use. 

Process substitution in the CLI is not supported.

Input Data

Assuming one has access to the protected environment on the CHPC at University of Utah, then data files can be found at:


Production models

In the /dist directory, we distribute models that were trained on a genome-wide training set of trustworthy noncoding regions (also located in the /dist directory). The bash script that was used to generate these models is:

Sanity checks

See experiments/germline-model/sanity-check-*.ipynb.

Development note

Changes to the vue-app directory necessitate rebuilding the vue app by running


TODO: automate this using a git hook


Mutation Annotation Format (MAF)

  1. specification:
  2. minimal example:
  3. tooling:
    1. maf-lib: comprehensive, but lacks so much documentation that it is effectively unusable
    2. vcf2maf: can convert maf to vcf, but reliance on vep makes tool effectively unusable
  4. gotchas:

On k-mer counting


Tools to discover natural selection given multiple evolved DNA sequences (e.g., gnomad cohort, or multiple tumor samples)








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