Complete changelog
#16292 - Liquibase includeAll does not work in native mode
#39934 - Kubernetes Client fails to create a new Pod in native executable because Pod Overhead set without corresponding RuntimeClass defined Overhead.
#40574 - When Using Liquibase with "quarkus.liquibase.clean-at-start=true" a RuntimeException Is Thrown in Quarkus 3.10.0
#40575 - When Using Liquibase in Native Mode a ServiceConfigurationError is Logged
#41500 - The total count for page links do not considered the complete query
#41729 - Gradle imageBuild fails with java.util.ConcurrentModificationException quarkus 3.12.1
#41894 - Gradle imageTask: look for builders among the dependencies of the runtime Quarkus application configuration instead of all the project configurations
#41918 - Qute: single quotes in variables break string
#41928 - Automatically Load Liquibase Resource Files for Native Image Build
#41968 - quarkus image build
with the docker username
#42028 - Register fields for reflection in kubernetes-client
#42055 - Bump from 24.4.2 to 24.4.4
#42095 - Enable Liquibase includeAll in Native Image
#42099 - Register<init>
for reflection
#42112 - Update examples to use org.htmlunit:htmlunit
#42120 - Bump io.strimzi:strimzi-test-container from 0.106.0 to 0.107.0
#42121 - Update from net.sourceforge.htmlunit to org.htmlunit
#42122 - Add support for CompletableFuture when using JsonRPC in Dev UI
#42127 - Scheduler: make sure an exception never slips through an invokers chain
#42132 - Clarify RedisClientConfig documentation for max-pool-size
#42133 - Incorrect data in the ReactiveDatasourceHealthCheck being set when the connection is down
#42143 - Native Image run issue with XML Changelog quarkus-liquibase
#42146 - Removed missed deprecated @QuarkusTestResource
from docs
#42159 - Resteasy-reactive Unit endpoint reported as "Run time writers required"
#42160 - Qute: fix parsing of string literals and lenient section parameters
#42168 - Unable to migrate to non-deprecated AnnotationsTransformerBuildItem
#42170 - Bump com.gradle:quarkus-build-caching-extension from 1.6 to 1.7
#42178 - Rename suggested extensions in "Consider adding ..." warning messages
#42181 - toplevel class can't have static
#42186 - Manage opentelemetry-semconv-incubating
#42195 - Treat Kotlin's Unit as void for the Quarkus REST scoring system
#42202 - Using filtering parameters and namedQuery in the count query
#42204 - Upgrade to Jandex 3.2.1
#42207 - Possible NPE during shutdown
#42208 - Avoid a possible NPE during application stop
#42216 - Add a note about JpaSpecificationExecutor not being supported
#42218 - Fix group overriding with machine username
#42220 - Qute: support synthetic named CDI beans injected in templates
#42223 - Quartz - fix job refire behavior, improve dep. bean job scenario
#42231 - Bump org.eclipse.parsson:parsson from 1.1.6 to 1.1.7
#42235 - Update kafka-schema-registry-json-schema.adoc
#42239 - Spring Data JPA findFirstBy with Optional throws NullPointerException
#42240 - Application tests failing w/ Quarkus 3.13.0 + io.smallrye.config:smallrye-config-source-keystore
#42241 - Fix Optional result type handling in Spring Data JPA
#42250 - Testing/3.13.0: QuarkusMainLauncher
always returns exit code 0 for integration tests
#42252 - Fix QuarkusMainLauncher
not returning exit code
#42259 - Bump io.quarkus.develocity:quarkus-project-develocity-extension from 1.1.3 to 1.1.4
#42260 - Fix a race condition in ReactiveDatasourceHealthCheck data field population
#42264 - Bump smallrye-config from 3.9.0 to 3.9.1
#42268 - Add a note about the REST Client's dev mode proxy
#42271 - NPE in websockets-next
#42276 - Bump io.smallrye.config:smallrye-config-source-yaml from 3.8.3 to 3.9.1 in /devtools/gradle
#42282 - WebSockets Next: CloseReason - fix NPE if connection terminated abruptly
#42284 - Add one more level of TOC for Qute reference guide
#42287 - Fix typo in JBang doc
#42288 - Allow finer tuning of shared network usage by Keycloak DevServices
#42291 - Missing = in system property additionalUpdateRecipes for quarkus update maven runner
#42297 - Can't change between light and dark mode in DevUI
#42303 - OOM in tests since Quarkus 3.13.0
#42310 - Fix Dev UI Theme switch
#42320 - Actually upgrade Vert.x to 4.5.9 in the BOM
#42325 - Bump org.eclipse:yasson from 3.0.3 to 3.0.4
#42332 - Add ability to always require a socket
#42336 - Manage mutiny-zero to avoid dependency convergence issues in downstream Camel Quarkus
#42338 - Fix ClassLoader leak in KeycloakDevServicesProcessor
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