PyFolding is a simple Python based framework for fitting kinetic and thermodynamic models to protein folding data. It includes several basic models and is extensible to enable fitting of more interesting models.
We have now included video tutorials in the wiki to demonstrate installation and usage of PyFolding:
Please note, we have moved the examples and Jupyter notebooks to a separate repository:
PyFolding is not currently maintained. We have provided an updated version for Python 3, but it has not been thoroughly tested, so we cannot guarantee the results obtained. The original legacy version (for Python 2) can be found in the py2-legacy
PyFolding: An open-source software package for graphing, analysis and simulation
of thermodynamic and kinetic models of protein folding
Lowe AR, Perez-Riba A, Itzhaki L, Main E (2018) Biophys J.
author = {Lowe, Alan R. and Perez-Riba, Albert and Itzhaki, Laura S. and Main, Ewan R.G.},
title = {PyFolding: Open-Source Graphing, Simulation, and Analysis of the
Biophysical Properties of Proteins},
volume = {114},
number = {3},
pages = {511-521},
year = {2018},
doi = {10.1016/j.bpj.2017.11.3779},
URL = {},
eprint = {},
journal = {Biophysical Journal}
- Homopolymer Ising equilibrium
- Heteropolymer Ising equilibrium
- Parallel Two-State chevron
- Parallel Two-State Unfolding chevron
- Three State chevron
- Three State Dimeric Intermediate equilibrium
- Three State Fast-Phase chevron
- Three State Monomeric Intermediate equilibrium
- Three State Sequential Barriers chevron
- Two State chevron
- Two State chevron Moving Transition State
- Two State Dimer equilibrium
- Two State equilibrium
- Two State equilibrium with sloping baselines
A 'TemplateModel' is provided for adding additional models. We encourage users to generate their own models and contribute.
PyFolding can be used within IPython Notebooks (Jupyter). Several example notebooks are provided in the notebooks folder of the PyFolding-Notebooks repo. To install Jupyter notebooks please read the accompanying file "".
Example data can be found in the /examples folder.
Pyfolding requires the following additional packages:
- Numpy
- Scipy
- Matplotlib
- (Optional) Jupyter
The easiest way to get these packages on a Mac or PC is to install Anaconda:
You can install PyFolding by cloning the repo and running the setup script:
$ git clone
$ cd PyFolding
$ python install
- For more detailed installation for setup on a Mac or PC please read the accompanying
- Watch the YouTube video demonstrating how to install and run PyFolding.
Once installed, a simple script will execute the test function. This tests whether the package has installed correctly. The following script is found in /notebooks.
# import the pyfolding package
import pyfolding
# run a self test to check everything is installed
Upon executing the script, the following output should be generated:
Fitting results
ID: Simulated protein
Model: TwoStateEquilibrium
Optimiser: pyfolding.GlobalFit and scipy.optimize.curve_fit
Temperature: 25.00°C
(f) m 1.51913 ± 0.01683 95% CI[ 1.51488, 1.52339]
(f) d50 5.00126 ± 0.00491 95% CI[ 5.00002, 5.00250]
R^2: 0.99953
DOF: 98
SS: 9.98e-03
Fitting results
ID: Simulated protein
Model: TwoStateChevron
Optimiser: pyfolding.GlobalFit and scipy.optimize.curve_fit
Temperature: 25.00°C
(f) kf 100.04461 ± 0.03297 95% CI[ 100.03628, 100.05295]
(f) mf 1.00005 ± 0.00013 95% CI[ 1.00002, 1.00009]
(f) ku 0.00501 ± 0.00001 95% CI[ 0.00500, 0.00501]
(f) mu 0.99988 ± 0.00013 95% CI[ 0.99984, 0.99991]
R^2: 1.00000
DOF: 96
SS: 1.20e-04
SUCCESS - Test completed!
Raw data for PyFolding should be provided in .csv files. Sample data for all of the notebooks is provided in the /examples folder.
0 0.016262019
0.1068 -0.004045731
0.2136 0.005769455
0.3204 0.000484273
0.4272 0.001788867
0.534 -0.001676449
0.6408 0.005704187
0.7476 0.013683238
0.8544 0.018731417
0.9612 0.052727921
1.068 0.078283591