- Start docker
- Go to https://www.cairo-lang.org/docs/quickstart.html to install Cairo and package.
- Run npm install.
- Install starknet devnet with cmd: pip3 install starknet-devnet
- link -> https://github.com/Shard-Labs/starknet-devnet
- Total supply
- Balance of
- Allowance
- Transfer
- Approve
- Transfer from
%lang starknet declares that this file should be read as a StarkNet contract file, rather than a regular Cairo program file.
@storage_var declares a variable which will be kept as part of this storage.
@view and @external are identical, the only difference is that a view methode is annotaded as a methode that only queries the state rather than modifying it.
Three implecit arguments: - pedersen_ptr : Computing the Pedersen hash is part of what read() and write(). - range_check_ptr : Storage variables require these implicit arguments in order to compute the actual memory address of this variable - syscall_ptr : Allows the code to invoke system calls. It is also implicit arguments of read() and write() (this time, because storage access is done using system calls).
npx hardhat starknet-compile
You need to recompile your contract after changing it. You need to compile your contracts to be able to test them.
Link -> https://github.com/Shard-Labs/starknet-hardhat-plugin -> https://github.com/Shard-Labs/starknet-hardhat-example
Open a terminal and run starknet-devnet
Then run npx hardhat test
We will use alpha-goerli
as network.
If no path all starknet artifacts will be deployed.
If you are passing constructor's arguments, you have to pass them spece separated, but as a single string. You also have to convert string you want to pass as argument into number. For that you can use the scripte convert_str_to_int.ts.
Run npx ts-node ./scripts/convert_str_to_int.ts
to convert name and symbol.
For the just copy and pass your argentX address.
Then to deploy your contract run (with name and symbole as int): npx hardhat starknet-deploy --starknet-network alpha-goerli --inputs '<token_name> ' ./starknet-artifacts/contracts/ERC20/ERC20.cairo/ERC20.json
If your contract as been deployed successfully, you can copy and pass the Contract address in voyager to be able to interact with it.
Link -> https://goerli.voyager.online/