Set up virtual environment.
python3.10 -m venv .venv
Activate your environment
.\.venv\scripts\activate # Windows source .venv/bin/activate # MacOS
Install PyTorch using the instructions on this site. Choose the stable, pip, python, and default installation.
Install other packages.
pip install -r requirements.txt
For training, download the corpus dataset and place it in the data/
folder. Then run the preprocessing.py
The following command can be used to train a model with the same parameters as PolyLMBASE:
python train.py --model_dir=models/ --corpus_path=data/bookcorpus/books_large_p1.txt --vocab_path=data/bookcorpus/vocab.txt --embedding_size=256 --bert_intermediate_size=1024 --n_disambiguation_layers=4 --n_prediction_layers=12 --max_senses_per_word=8 --min_occurrences_for_vocab=500 --min_occurrences_for_polysemy=20000 --max_seq_len=128 --gpus=0 --batch_size=32 --n_batches=6000000 --dl_warmup_steps=2000000 --ml_warmup_steps=1000000 --dl_r=1.5 --ml_coeff=0.1 --learning_rate=0.00003 --print_every=100 --save_every=10000
Connect to OSCAR through SSH.
ssh <username>@ssh.ccv.brown.edu
Note that Windows users need an SSH client like PuTTY. More details here.
Drag the
folder into the OSCAR filesystem using SMB -
to the polylm folder and activate the virtual environmentsource .venv/bin/activate
Request resources from OSCAR using either in interact or batch mode.
This requests an interactive session with 20 cores at 10GB per core for 1 hour. Note that you must stay connected to the login node.
interact -n 20 -t 01:00:00 -m 10g python train.py --model_dir=models/ --corpus_path=data/bookcorpus/books_large_p1.txt --vocab_path=data/bookcorpus/vocab.txt --embedding_size=256 --bert_intermediate_size=1024 --n_disambiguation_layers=4 --n_prediction_layers=12 --max_senses_per_word=8 --min_occurrences_for_vocab=500 --min_occurrences_for_polysemy=20000 --max_seq_len=128 --gpus=0 --batch_size=32 --n_batches=6000000 --dl_warmup_steps=2000000 --ml_warmup_steps=1000000 --dl_r=1.5 --ml_coeff=0.1 --learning_rate=0.00003 --print_every=100 --save_every=100
This requests a batch job 1 core and 4GB of memory per core for 1 hour.
sbatch oscar_batch.sh
View your active jobs by running myq
. In batch mode, you can view the output of the job in the file slurm-<jobid>.out
in the directory where you invoked the sbatch
It is possible to use the download scripts provided in the models
cd models
First download the SemEval 2010 WSI datasets:
cd data
cd ..
Activate NLTK's WordNet capabilities:
python -c "import nltk; nltk.download('wordnet')"
Download Stanford CoreNLP's part-of-speech tagger v3.9.2 and put the folder in the root. It is required to perform lemmatization when evaluating on WSI.
PolyLM evaluation can be performed as follows:
./wsi.sh data/wsi/SemEval-2010 SemEval-2010 ./models/polylm-lemmatized-large --gpus 0 --pos_tagger_root ./stanford-postagger-2018-10-16
Note that inference is only supported on a single GPU currently, but is generally very fast.