PistonQueue is a basic and easy to use queue plugin designed for anarchy and survival servers. This plugin is a fork of LeeesBungeeQueue but LeeesBungeeQueue was a designed more for the server 6b6t.org, so a fork of the plugin was created that is designed for everyone and has more updates and support.
A much more easy to use tablist compared to the old one.
For example the "You have lost connection to the server" message you see on the server 2b2t.org.
Instead of showing an error saying the server is down you can customize this message to whatever message you want.
Auth server support for cracked (offline mode: false) servers. You can now have the authserver go first and then the queue!
Wiki Check out the wiki for a tutorial on how to setup PistonQueue.
If you find any bugs or ways to improve the plugin open a issue on github.