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    config.resolve.alias.set( 'vue', path.resolve('./node_modules/vue'))    

JSON to Excel for VUE 3

Download your JSON data as an Excel file directly from the browser.

Important! Extra prompt in Microsoft Excel

The method implemented in this component uses HTML tables to draw the .xls files, Microsoft Excel no longer recognize HTML as native content so a warning message will be displayed before opening the file. The content will be rendered perfectly but the message can't be avoided.

Getting started

Get the package:

npm install vue-json-excel3

Register JsonExcel in your vue app entry point:

import { createApp } from 'vue'
const app = createApp({})
import JsonExcel from "vue-json-excel3";
app.component("downloadExcel", JsonExcel);

In your template

<download-excel :data="json_data">
  Download Data
  <img src="download_icon.png" />

Props List

Name Type Description Default
data Array Data to be exported.
fields Object Fields inside the JSON Object that you want to export. If none provided, all properties in the JSON will be exported.
export-fields (exportFields) Object Used to fix the problem with other components that use the variable fields, like vee-validate. exportFields works exactly like fields
type string Mime type [xlsx, xls, csv] xls
name string File name to export. data.xls
header string/Array Title(s) for the data. Can be a string (one title) or an array of strings (multiple titles).
title(deprecated) string/Array same as header, title is maintained for retro-compatibility purposes but its use is not recommended due to the conflict with the HTML5 title attribute.
footer string/Array Footer(s) for the data. Can be a string (one footer) or an array of strings (multiple footers).
default-value (defaultValue) string Use as fallback when the row has no field values. ''
worksheet string Name of the worksheet tab. 'Sheet1'
fetch Function Callback to fetch data before download, if it's set it runs immediately after mouse pressed and before download process.
IMPORTANT: only works if no data prop is defined.
before-generate Function Callback to call a method right before the generate / fetch data, eg:show loading progress
before-finish Function Callback to call a method right before the download box pops out, eg:hide loading progress
stringifyLongNum Boolean stringify long number and decimal(solve the problem of loss of digital accuracy), default: false
escapeCsv Boolean This escapes CSV values in order to fix some excel problems with number fields. But this will wrap every csv data with =" and ", to avoid that you have to set this prop to false. default: True
emitBlob Boolean This will emmit the blob data. default: False
debounce Number This is for debouce in download function 500
rtl Boolean This is for RTL support false


import { createApp } from 'vue'
import JsonExcel from "vue-json-excel3";

const app = new createApp({
      return {
          json_fields: {
              "Complete name": "name",
                  City: "city",
                  Telephone: "",
                  "Telephone 2": {
                  field: "phone.landline",
                      callback: (value) => {
                      return `Landline Phone - ${value}`;
          json_data: [
                  name: "Tony Peña",
                  city: "New York",
                  country: "United States",
                  birthdate: "1978-03-15",
                  phone: {
                      mobile: "1-541-754-3010",
                      landline: "(541) 754-3010",
                  name: "Thessaloniki",
                  city: "Athens",
                  country: "Greece",
                  birthdate: "1987-11-23",
                  phone: {
                      mobile: "+1 855 275 5071",
                      landline: "(2741) 2621-244",
          json_meta: [
                  key: "charset",
                  value: "utf-8",

In your HTML call it like

  class="btn btn-default"
  worksheet="My Worksheet"
  Download Excel (you can customize this with html code!)


  • json_data: Contains the data you want to export.
  • json_fields: You can select what fields to export. Specify nested data and assign labels to the fields. The key is the label, the value is the JSON field. This will export the field data 'as is'. If you need to customize the the exported data you can define a callback function. Thanks to @gucastiliao.
let json_fields = {
  // regular field (exported data 'as is')
  fieldLabel: attributeName, // nested attribute supported
  // callback function for data formatting
  anotherFieldLabel: {
    field: anotherAttributeName, // nested attribute supported
    callback: (value) => {
      return `formatted value ${value}`;

json_fields is a object that represents which columns will be exported. If no object is provided, the component will be use the first object in your data array to extract the keys as columns names. Json field example:

    'Human friendly name': '_name_field_from_json',
    'user's last name': '_last_name_text'

Export CSV

To export JSON as a CSV file, just add the prop type with a value of "csv":

  class="btn btn-default"
  Download CSV (you can customize this with html code!)

Multi-line values will appear in a single cell

A single text value in the data that contains newline characters will appear as a single cell in Excel. This avoids the undesired behavior of multi-line values getting split into multiple cells that must be merged before using data filters and pivot tables.

For example:

    <json-excel :data="dataForExcel" />
  import JsonExcel from "vue-json-excel3";

  export default {
    components: {
    data: () => {
      return {
        dataForExcel: [
          { colA: "Hello", colB: "World" },
            colA: "Multi-line",
            /* Multi-line value: */
              "This is a long paragraph\nwith multiple lines\nthat should show in a single cell.",
          { colA: "Another", colB: "Regular cell" },

Example of Excel showing multi-line cell

Fetch Data on Demand

In case you need to fetch data from the server, you could use the fetch prop that allows you to define a callback function that is executed when your user click the download button. This function has to return a JSON value containing the data to export. A basic use case is:

  <div id="app">

    <h2>Fetch Example</h2>
      class            = "btn"
      :fetch           = "fetchData"
      :fields          = "json_fields"
      :before-generate = "startDownload"
      :before-finish   = "finishDownload">
      Download Excel

import downloadexcel from "vue-json-excel3";
import axios from 'axios';

export default {
  name: "App",
  components: {
    return {
      json_fields: {
        'Complete name': 'name',
        'Date': 'date',
  }, //data
    async fetchData(){
      const response = await axios.get('');
        alert('show loading');
        alert('hide loading');

Using callbacks

when using callback functions in the fields description, you have three option to retrieve data:

  • field: '' you can retrieve a specific value using the nested property notation.
    json_fields: {
        'Complete name': 'name',
        'City': 'city',
        'Telephone': '',
        'Telephone 2' : {
            field: 'phone.landline',
            callback: (value) => {
                return `Landline Phone - ${value}`;
  • field: 'define.nested.object' you can retrieve a nested object too.
    json_fields: {s
        'Complete name': 'name',
        'City': 'city',
        'Telephone': '',
        'Telephone 2' : {
            field: 'phone',
            callback: (value) => {
                return `Landline Phone - ${value.landline}`;
  • Or get the whole row if field is undefined.
    json_fields: {
        'Complete name': 'name',
        'City': 'city',
        'Telephone': '',
        'Telephone 2' : {
            callback: (value) => {
                return `Landline Phone - ${}`;


If this helped you in any way, you can contribute to this project for long term survival by supporting me:

Be sure to check out my sponsor page.

Thank you so much!!!
