React, Node, MongoDB, Express - MERN Stack - "Rant-a-car Single Page App"
- top 3 offers (landing page)
- 3 main types subcategory (landing page)
- log-in
- register
- reset password
- reset e-mail with generated token valid 1h
- client side validation
- backend side validation (Express - validator)
- rent a car
- search by name, model, type
- sort by price
- place an order
- pay now (reduce price with 10%)
- pay later
- PDF invoice
- confirmation e-mail (invoice e-mail)
- simple gsap - "GreenSock" - animation
- Contains admin login
- Contains delete and add cars
- Contains features to add other people as admin
- Contains top 3 cars to rent and includes various types of vehicles available
- 3 main category(sedan, coupe, SUV)
- search bar to search ( by model, name or type )
- sort the fleet by price
- client side pagination and contains all the vehicles available
- login, register
- reset password, reset email
- Delete Order
- pay now, pay later - changing the price if pay now (backend)
- Invoice Email on Checkout
- PDF Invoice
- Contains overview of the project
- Contains vision
- Contains team details and images