Various machine learning related codes for my 100 days of machine learning project.
The installations needed for all the upcoming projects. This I learnt from my Udacity Self Driving Car course.
Learn editing markdown file here
- Install miniconda
- Create a new
environment - Activate the environment before staring your work
You can also create a conda env ml_100
by copying the environment.yml from this repo and running
conda env create -f environment.yml
This will install all necessary packages. To see a list of all of your environments
conda env list
After installing cleanup downloaded files using
conda clean -tp
To activate ml_100
source activate ml_100
To deactivate an env
source deactivate
To delete an env
conda env remove -n ml_100
Hopefully all went well. So after activating the env start the Jupyter notebook in the background
jupyter notebook&
It will open the ipynb notebook in the browser. You are all set to start coding.
- Deep Learning by Udacity
- Computer Vision Class by Devi Parikh
- Computer Vision by Udacity
Good Reads:
- Hyperparameters and model validation
- Receptive field arithmetic for CNN
- How to handle imbalanced classification problem and this
- Interesting questions for Data Science
- Understand the maths behind gradient from Khan Academy
- Andrej Karpathy's cs231 who doesn't know this, seriously?
- A list of all courses available for any concepts related to deep learning, machine learning, computer vision and so on, thanks to the post in reddit. Deep learning drizzle
- I find Waymo's blog very interesting to read as you get to know all latest technologies that are coming up for self driving cars.