In this project I taken tg-redirect project from github and I used frontend of this application to deploy it on Minikube Cluster.
This project is based on frontend application deployment on Minikube clusetr using kubernetes.
- Created Dockerfile for building the docker image of application.
- Deployed craeted image to my personal docker hub repository.
- Created yaml files for deploying the application.
- Created pod.yaml file for deploying the image of application on the Minikube cluster.
- Created deployment.yaml file for deploying the multiple copies of images (replicas) of the application on the Minikube cluster.
- Created service.yaml file of nodeport type for accessing the application locally.
- After creating the files deployed it to the minikube cluster using kubectl commands.
- Get IP address of the service using minikue command and accessed it locally.
During the project I used the Lens IDE for monitoring the minikube cluster. Using this IDE you can manage the pods, deploymets and services, etc. using this graphical inteface.
git clone
cd Kubernetes-first
Install the minikube and kubectl cli through the folliwing documentation:
kubectl CLI:
Deploying the application to the minikube.
cd k8s
kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f service.yaml
Checking the Deployment and Service is runnig
kubectl get all
Getting the URL from Minikube cluster.
minikube service my-service --url
Copy the URL and past it on any browser to run the application.
Docker image: