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CMake based build framework for building Rack Extensions which are audio plugins for Reason, the Reason Studios DAW


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Rack Extension CMake build framework

This project implements a CMake based build framework in order to help building Rack Extensions which are audio plugins for Reason, the Reason Studios DAW.


  • native support in IDEs handling CMake directly, like CLion or Visual Studio Code (with the CMake extension)
  • project generation for most of the generators supported by CMake, like XCode for macOS, Visual Studio for Windows, Unix Makefiles, and many more
  • completely isolated build (no polluting the source tree)
  • much faster builds (due to proper dependency management, no need to recompile everything all the time)
  • proper integration with IDEs for debugging (for example starting Recon from CLion in debug mode and putting a breakpoint in the source tree)
  • native toolchain builds allowing for non-sandboxed builds for easy development (use of std::string, std::cout, etc...)
  • easy to use script ( for macOS, re.bat for Windows) to invoke all the various phases of the build so no need to remember long and complicated syntax


  • This project requires CMake (minimum version 3.24) to be properly installed (cmake executable must be in your PATH)
  • This project currently expects RE SDK 4.3.0 (Hi Res support), 4.2.0 or 4.1.0 to be installed on the machine (it will not download it for you)
  • Due to the RE SDK requirements, this project also requires python 3 to be installed
  • It has been tested on macOS Big Sur (11.7) / Xcode 13.2.1 (requires macOS 15+)
  • It has been tested on macOS 12.6 / Xcode 13.3 installed and Apple Silicon (forces x86_64 build to compile and run)
  • It has been tested on Windows 10 with Visual Studio 16 2019 build tools + Clang toolchain


For Windows, since re-cmake 1.6.0, the default setup is to use the Clang toolchain, for 2 main reasons:

  • SIMD support out of the box (SIMD does not work without Clang)
  • Use a similar compiler provided with the RE SDK

Make sure you provision the build tools properly: using the Visual Studio Installer, select the "Individual components" tab, search for "clang" and make sure that "C++ Clang..." is selected (there may be more than one entry, so select all of them).

Visual Studio Installer

If you want to disable the use of Clang (and revert to the behavior prior to v1.6.0), you can set the (CMake) option RE_CMAKE_ENABLE_CLANG_TOOLCHAIN to OFF before including re-cmake (and rerun after deleting the build folder).

Quick Starting guide

For the sake of keeping this project lean, it does not include any example, but you should check re-blank-plugin which is the official example project for this framework.


If you want to easily create a blank plugin check the Rack Extension - Quick Start tool which sets everything up for you.

This project offers a main CMake file main.cmake which simply needs to be included in your CMakeLists.txt for your plugin.

You should then call:

  • re_cmake_before_project_init() before the project() call in your CMakeLists.txt
  • re_cmake_init() after project() and optionally provide a list of INCLUDES: re-logging (for logging) and/or re-mock (for unit testing)
  • finally, call add_re_plugin.
# Example assuming re-cmake is local (check re-blank-plugin for a better way)

# Initializes the proper toolchain

# defines the project

# initializes re-cmake and uses both re-logging and re-mock
re_cmake_init(INCLUDES re-logging re-mock)

# Call add_re_plugin to create the targets and script


There are many ways to bring this framework into your own project and how you do it depends on your preferences and structure. Here are a few examples:

  1. re-cmake is local but "out of tree", somewhere on the user's system, for example where multiple projects share one instance of it. This would require cloning or copying this project somewhere.
  2. re-cmake is local, but "in tree", within the RE project directory (or somewhere below), for example where using git submodules or git subtree, or even when just copied directly into the RE project (good for people who love 100% reproducible builds).
  3. re-cmake is remote, and fetched by CMake during the configure phase (which is the way the official example does it since you don't really have to worry about it)

Note about the RE SDK location

You can install the SDK wherever you want on your system and provide it as an argument to add_re_plugin or you can install (or create a link) in a default location:

  • /Users/Shared/ReasonStudios/JukeboxSDK_<RE_SDK_VERSION>/SDK for macOS
  • C:/Users/Public/Documents/ReasonStudios/JukeboxSDK_<RE_SDK_VERSION>/SDK for Windows

By default, the RE2DRender program needs to be unzipped and is expected to be a sibling of SDK but this can also be provided as an argument to add_re_plugin.

If you want to use the (optional) preview command, by default, the RE2DPreview program needs to be unzipped and is expected to be a sibling of SDK but this can also be provided as an argument to add_re_plugin.


This macro should be called before defining the project() section in your CMakeLists.txt. It must be called before because it defines the proper toolchain.


The macro initializes re-cmake and should be called after project(). It optionally takes a list of INCLUDES to include additional frameworks:

  • re-logging is a logging framework (based on loguru) to easily add debugging/checks to the plugin under development. It defines a variable re-logging_SOURCES which needs to be added to the NATIVE_BUILD_SOURCES argument (see add_re_plugin)
  • re-mock is a framework that implements the full Jukebox API in order to help in writing unit test for the plugin under development. This call defines a variable re-mock_LIBRARY_NAME which needs to be added to the TEST_LINK_LIBS argument (see add_re_plugin)


The framework exposes a function to create the plugin targets and script. It can take many arguments, very few being actually required

       # Required arguments
              RE_SDK_VERSION reSdkVersion
              BUILD_SOURCES src1 [src2...]
              RENDER_2D_SOURCES src1 [scr2...]

       # Optional paths
              [RE_SDK_ROOT path_to_RE_SDK]
              [RE_2D_RENDER_ROOT path_to_RE2DRender_folder]
              [RE_2D_PREVIEW_ROOT path_to_RE2DPreview_folder]
              [RE_RECON_EXECUTABLE path_to_Recon_executable]
              [PYTHON3_EXECUTABLE path_to_python3_executable]

       # Optional paths to plugin files (defaults matching RE SDK Examples)
              [INFO_LUA path_to_info.lua]
              [MOTHERBOARD_DEF_LUA path_to_motherboard_def.lua]
              [REALTIME_CONTROLLER_LUA path_to_realtime_controller.lua]
              [DISPLAY_LUA path_to_display.lua]
              [RESOURCES_DIR path_to_Resources]

       # Optional include directories (to include extra '.h' files)
              [INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES dir1 [dir2...]]

       # Optional native build sources and libraries (for sources and libraries that 
       # won't compile in jbox build)
              [NATIVE_BUILD_SOURCES src1 [src2...]]
              [NATIVE_BUILD_LIBS lib1 [lib2...]]

       # Optional compile definitions (ex: FOOBAR=3)
              [COMPILE_DEFINITIONS def1 [def2...]]
              [NATIVE_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS def1 [def2...]]
              [JBOX_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS def1 [def2...]]

       # Optional compile options (ex: -Wall)
              [COMPILE_OPTIONS option1 [option2...]]
              [NATIVE_COMPILE_OPTIONS option1 [option2...]]
              [JBOX_COMPILE_OPTIONS option1 [option2...]]

       # Optional link options (for native build only)
              [NATIVE_LINK_OPTIONS option1 [option2...]]

       # Optional toggle to enable debugging (for example JBOX_TRACE) (disabled otherwise)
       # Optional testing entries
              [TEST_CASE_SOURCES src1 [src2...]]
              [TEST_SOURCES src1 [src2...]]
              [TEST_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES dir1 [dir2...]]
              [TEST_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS def1 [def2...]]
              [TEST_COMPILE_OPTIONS option1 [option2...]]
              [TEST_LINK_LIBS lib1 [lib2...]]

Detailed description

Argument / Option Required Description Example
RE_SDK_VERSION Yes The version of the SDK this RE is being built for "4.3.0"
BUILD_SOURCES Yes The list of sources (cpp) files that are compiled to create the RE logic Usually refers to some list ${re_sources_cpp}
RENDER_2D_SOURCES Yes The list of 2D GUI files that composes the UI layer of the RE (must include device_2D.lua and hdgui_2D.lua) Usually refers to some list ${re_sources_2d}
RE_SDK_ROOT No The (absolute) path to the root of the RE SDK. It will default to /Users/Shared/ReasonStudios/JukeboxSDK_${RE_SDK_VERSION}/SDK on macOS and C:/Users/Public/Documents/ReasonStudios/JukeboxSDK_${RE_SDK_VERSION}/SDK on Windows 10 /local/Jukebox_4.3.0/SDK
RE_2D_RENDER_ROOT No The (absolute) path to the RE2DRender folder. It will default to ${RE_SDK_ROOT}/../RE2DRender /local/RE2DRender
RE_2D_PREVIEW_ROOT No The (absolute) path to the RE2DPreview folder. It will default to ${RE_SDK_ROOT}/../RE2DPreview /local/RE2DPreview
INFO_LUA No The path to info.lua which by default is at the root defs/info.lua
MOTHERBOARD_DEF_LUA No The path to motherboard_def.lua which by default is at the root defs/motherboard_def.lua
REALTIME_CONTROLLER_LUA No The path to realtime_controller.lua which by default is at the root defs/realtime_controller.lua
DISPLAY_LUA No The path to display.lua which by default is at the root (note that display.lua is only required if you have any custom displays) src/lua/display.lua
RESOURCES_DIR No The path to the Resources folder which by default is at the root i18n/Resources
INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES No The list of directories that need to be included for searching for .h files. Note that it is a list of directories so it does not contain -I. Usually refers to some list ${logging_include_dir}
PYTHON3_EXECUTABLE No The python 3 executable which is determined by default but you can override it here /opt/local/bin/python3
NATIVE_BUILD_SOURCES No The list of sources (cpp) files that are compiled ONLY during the native build (for example to add debugging/tracing libraries that cannot be compiled during the jbox build due to the sandbox) Usually refers to some list ${logging_sources}
NATIVE_BUILD_LIBS No The list of libraries that are linked ONLY during the native build (for example to add debugging/tracing libraries that cannot be linked during the jbox build due to the sandbox) loguru
COMPILE_DEFINITIONS No The list of compile definitions applied to native and jbox compilers. Note that -D should not be included. BOOST_MODE=1 BOOST2
NATIVE_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS No The list of compile definitions applied to native compiler only. Note that -D should not be included. BOOST_MODE=1 BOOST2
JBOX_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS No The list of compile definitions applied to jbox compiler only. Note that -D should not be included. BOOST_MODE=1 BOOST2
COMPILE_OPTIONS No The list of compile options applied to native and jbox compilers. -Wall
NATIVE_COMPILE_OPTIONS No The list of compile options applied to native compiler only. -Wall
JBOX_COMPILE_OPTIONS No The list of compile options applied to jbox compiler only. -Wall
NATIVE_LINK_OPTIONS No The list of link options applied to native linker only. Note that there is no equivalent for jbox build.
ENABLE_DEBUG_LOGGING No Option to turn on debug logging (enable JBOX_TRACE). Equivalent to NATIVE_COMPILE_OPTIONS DEBUG=1
RE_RECON_EXECUTABLE No The Recon executable which is determined by looking in a default location but you can override it here "/Applications/Reason Recon 11 RESDK41 Recon"
TEST_CASE_SOURCES No The list of sources (cpp) files that contains the unit test cases. Usually refers to some list ${re_test_cpp}
TEST_SOURCES No The list of sources (cpp) files that need to be compiled alongside the tests. Usually refers to some list ${logging_sources}
TEST_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES No The list of directories that need to be included for searching for .h files for compiling tests. Note that it is a list of directories so it does not contain -I. Usually refers to some list ${RE_CPP_SRC_DIR}
TEST_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS No The list of compile definitions for compiling the tests. Note that -D should not be included. BOOST_MODE=1 BOOST2
TEST_COMPILE_OPTIONS No The list of compile options applied for compiling the tests. -Wall
TEST_LINK_LIBS No The list of libraries that needs to be linked with the tests. native-build (note that it can be a target)

Convenient script (

Calling add_re_plugin will automatically generate a script in the build folder called for macOS ( for Windows). This script is essentially a convenient wrapper around invoking cmake manually but with a simplified syntax (and help) to make it more user friendly to use.

Note that this script is expecting the cmake command line tool to be in the PATH (use cmake -version to confirm it is properly installed).

# ./ -h
usage: [-hnvlbdtRZ] <command> [<command> ...] [-- [native-options]]

positional arguments:
  command          See "Commands" section

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  -n, --dry-run    Dry run (prints what it is going to do)
  -v, --verbose    Verbose build
  -l, --low-res    Forces low res build (4.3.0+)
  -b, --banner     Display a banner before every command
  -d, --debugging  Use 'Debugging' for local45 command
  -t, --testing    Use 'Testing' for local45 command
  -R, --release    Invoke CMake in Release mode (for multi-config generators)
  -Z               Clears the Recon Graphics Cache (workaround)

  ---- Native build commands ----
  build       : build the RE (.dylib)
  install     : build (code/gui) and install the RE for use in Recon
  test        : run the unit tests

  ---- Jbox build commands (build45 / sandbox toolchain) ----
  local45     : build (code/gui) and install the RE for use in Recon ('Deployment' type or -d/-t to change)
  universal45 : build the package for uploading to Reason Studio servers (.u45)
  validate45  : runs the Recon validate process on local45 (equivalent to ./ local45 validate)

  ---- Common commands ----
  clean       : clean all builds
  render      : runs RE2DRender to generate the GUI (necessary for running in Recon)
  edit        : runs RE Edit to edit the device (UI)
  preview     : runs RE2DPreview to generate the device preview (useful for shop images)
  uninstall   : deletes the installed RE
  validate    : runs the Recon validate process on the currently installed plugin

  ---- CMake target ----
  <command>   : Any unknown <command> is treated as a cmake target

  --- Native options ----
  Pass remaining options to the native tool (ex: -- -j 8 for parallel build)

Targets & Commands

Here is a quick rundown of the list of targets and associated commands. Note that the native targets handle changes properly and only rebuild what is necessary.

CMake Target Script Command Description
native-build build Builds the plugin with the native toolchain (generate the .dylib or .dll only)
native-install-hi-res install Builds the plugin with the native toolchain, generates the GUI (Hi Res) and installs the plugin in its default location (ready to be used in Recon) (not available if the SDK does not support Hi Res)
native-install-low-res -l install Builds the plugin with the native toolchain, generates the GUI (Low Res) and installs the plugin in its default location (ready to be used in Recon)
native-install install Shortcut to native-install-hi-res if the SDK supports Hi Res, native-install-low-res otherwise
native-run-test test Runs the unit tests (only available for the native toolchain)
common-render-hi-res render Generates the Hi Res GUI (not available if the SDK does not support Hi Res)
common-render-low-res -l render Generates the Low Res GUI
common-render render Shortcut to common-render-hi-res if the SDK supports Hi Res, common-render-low-res otherwise
common-preview preview Generates a 2D preview of the device front, back, folded front and folded back (generated at full 5x resolution (3770x345*u), useful for shop images)
common-uninstall uninstall Uninstalls the plugin from its default location (for example you can run: ./ uninstall install)
common-clean clean Cleans any previous build (forces a rebuild of everything on next build)
common-edit edit Runs RE Edit for this device
common-validate validate Runs Recon validation on the currently installed plugin. It does not install the plugin prior.
jbox-l45-deployment-install local45 Builds the (sandboxed) plugin with the jbox toolchain (local45 Deployment), generates the GUI and installs the plugin in its default location (ready to be used in Recon)
jbox-l45-testing-install -t local45 Builds the (sandboxed) plugin with the jbox toolchain (local45 Testing), generates the GUI and installs the plugin in its default location (ready to be used in Recon)
jbox-l45-debugging-install -d local45 Builds the (sandboxed) plugin with the jbox toolchain (local45 Debugging), generates the GUI and installs the plugin in its default location (ready to be used in Recon)
jbox-u45-build universal45 Builds the universal45 (.u45) package with the jbox toolchain ready to be uploaded to Reason servers
jbox-validate45 validate45 Builds the (sandboxed) plugin with the jbox toolchain (local45) and runs Recon validation on it


2021/10/30: Due to a caching issue with Recon 12 and Hi Res graphics, you can use -Z command line argument to delete the cache directory (this is a hack/workaround)


Check the RECMakeOptions.cmake file for options that can be set prior to calling re_cmake_before_project_init().

Understanding the different kinds of builds

It is pretty critical to understand the various kinds of builds that are available for a Rack Extension. They are very specific to the RE SDK.

local vs universal

The RE SDK provides Recon which is a special version of Reason that outputs (a ton of) debugging messages and which can run RE that are built locally. When you want to publish your RE to the Reason Studios build servers, you need to build what is called a universal45. The 2 kind of builds are very different.

local build

Because the local build needs to run on a given machine, the build needs to produce machine specific artifacts (.dylib for macOS and .dll for Windows).

Because the local build needs to run inside Recon, it needs to be packaged in a way that Recon can use, which involves for example processing the GUI2D folder through the RE2DRender program to generate the GUI files in their proper format/dimension (GUI folder).

universal build

The universal build compiles the code to bitcode and packages the original graphics (GUI2D) in a .u45 (which is nothing more than a zip file with a different suffix). The Reason Studio build servers will then produce the final packaged RE with DRM protection for every platform.

native vs sandbox

It is very important to understand that a RE, which is a plugin, ends up running in a sandbox (the Reason DAW). It is a sandbox in the sense that the plugin is very limited in what it can and cannot do. For example, allocating memory in the renderBatch main call is absolutely prohibited. This makes development quite painful as simply displaying log messages without being able to do string manipulations is quite a challenge. Thankfully, inside Recon, there are no restrictions so it is possible to do a native build using the full power of C++ (strings, std::cout, etc...).

Of course the plugin in the end will run in a sandbox so care must be taken to protect native build code properly, but it is a minor inconvenience for the massive productivity gained. For this purpose, the local/native build gets compile with the define LOCAL_NATIVE_BUILD=1 which lets you write code like this:

  // this code is executed ONLY during the native build so it can use loguru for example
  ABORT_F("Unknown operation [%s] passed to JBox_Export_CreateNativeObject", iOperation);
  // this code is executed for jbox builds (local45/universal45)
  return nullptr;


In this framework, the sandbox build is called jbox because it uses the toolchain coming from the Jukebox (which is a Reason Studios specific name for their framework)


Due to the limitations of the jbox toolchain (which has a very limited subset of C++ available), testing is only available as a local native command.


  local native local jbox universal
Runs in Recon Recon Reason
Description Full power of C++ Sandbox / C++ subset Sandbox / C++ subset
CMake Build Invokes native build commands / toolchain Invokes proprietary build system (local45) Invokes proprietary build system (universal45)
CMake Targets native-build, native-install, native-run-test jbox-l45-debugging-install, jbox-l45-testing-install, jbox-l45-deployment-install, jbox-validate45 jbox-u45-build
Commands ( build, install, test local45, validate45 universal45

Example Usage

It is strongly recommended checking the re-blank-plugin project which is the official example/documentation for this framework. It shows how to use it properly including:

  • CMakeLists.txt demonstrating how to include and invoke the framework while allowing the user of the project to configure it (like specifying the location of the SDK)
  • re-cmake.cmake which is a CMake script to automatically download this framework (you specify the framework version via re-cmake_GIT_TAG)
  • which is a script abstracting how to invoke cmake to configure the project and provides a useful help/usage documentation

Release notes

1.7.3 - 2024/10/08

  • Updated re-mock, re-logging and fixed CMake deprecation warning

1.7.2 - 2024/06/20

  • Updated re-mock version (added support for device_categories)

1.7.1 - 2023/09/11

  • Fixes issue locating RE2DRender and RE2DPreview after SDK 4.4.0 final release

1.7.0 - 2023/07/02

  • Handles RE SDK 4.4.0 (beta): on macOS/arm64 platform, generate an arm64 binary (with proper name)
  • Fixed options (removed FORCE since the rack extension can define it first thus can override it!)
  • Prints a message when re-cmake detects a mismatch in version

1.6.1 - 2023/04/28

  • Upgraded google test to 1.13.0 and introduced url hashes in order to guarantee that the code is not tempered with (incidentally it speeds up the build since CMake can simply compare the hash of a previously downloaded dependency)

1.6.0 - 2023/04/21

  • Uses Clang toolchain on Windows by default. See the "Notes" in the "Requirements" section on how to properly configure the compiler on Windows.
  • This change ensures that SIMD works out of the box on Windows and that the compiler is similar to the one provided with the SDK (hence getting similar runtime behavior)

1.5.2 - 2023/04/14

  • Uses re-mock 1.4.1 (fixes multi bindings/same source in rtc_bindings)

1.5.1 - 2023/04/11

  • Uses re-mock 1.4.0

1.5.0 - 2023/01/02

  • Added edit command (which uses RE Edit)
  • Bumped CMake minimum version to 3.24
  • Uses re-mock 1.3.2
  • Uses GoogleTest 1.12.1
  • Added a new DOWNLOAD_URL option for re_cmake_fetch_content to avoid downloading the whole git history

1.4.4 - 2022/10/29

  • Uses re-mock 1.2.0 (better error reporting / bug fixes)
  • Due to upgrade to Big Sur (macOS 11.7), this is now the macOS version that re-cmake is tested on (although it is expected to work on 10.15+).

1.4.3 - 2022/02/01

  • Fixes for Win 10

1.4.2 - 2022/01/24

  • Extracted re-logging into its own project

1.4.1 - 2022/01/23

  • Added JBOX_LOGVALUES (simpler api than JBOX_TRACEVALUES)
  • Added loguru::init_for_re to make loguru output nicer for Rack Extensions (replace (useless) thread by RE name)
  • Added loguru::init_for_test to make loguru throw exception instead of aborting when running tests
  • Added generic loguru::add_preamble_handler to display any kind of information when logging

1.4.0 - 2022/01/22

  • Introduced main.cmake with convenient macros to make writing the CMakeLists.txt file for the plugin easier and less error-prone
  • Added re-logging directly in this project in order to provide central updates
  • Added support for re-mock
  • Fixed issue with spaces in path


This version is backward compatible so if your project already includes sdk.cmake directly, you do not have to change it

1.3.9 - 2021/12/09

  • Added RE_CMAKE_RE_2D_RENDER_HI_RES_OPTION option to be able to change the type of Hi Res build when the device is not fully Hi Res compliant (applies to custom display backgrounds).

1.3.8 - 2021/10/30

  • Added -Z command line option to the script to work around the graphics caching issue of Recon 12

1.3.7 - 2021/10/28

  • Added Recon12 name to list of Recon executables

1.3.6 - 2021/10/26

  • Added support for 4.3.0 / Hi Res toolchain
  • new targets: common-render-low-res / common-render-hi-res and common-render is a now a shortcut
  • new targets: native-install-low-res / native-install-hi-res and native-install is now a shortcut
  • new -l option added to script to force a low res build with 4.3.0+

1.3.5 - 2021/10/02

  • Properly regenerates CMake project when info.lua changes
  • Extracts version from info.lua and generates a universal 45 package with better naming (<product_id>-<version_number>.u45)

1.3.4 - 2021/09/12

  • Generates a new re_cmake_build.h file which can be included in the code to get access to information from the build itself (particularly useful for testing).

1.3.3 - 2021/07/11

  • Use gtest_discover_tests to minimize CMake invocation when building tests

1.3.2 - 2021/07/07

  • Fixed unnecessary build of tests when running install
  • Removed dependency on internal Jukebox classes when running tests (preventing mocking)

1.3.1 - 2021/07/05

  • Introduced static library for running tests (was generating symbol not found when using shared one)

1.3.0 - 2021/07/04

  • Added (optional) unit testing capabilities (new target native-run-test, new command test, and new TEST_XX optional arguments to add_re_plugin())

1.2.0 - 2021/01/07

  • Introduced cmake/RECMakeOptions.cmake so that it can be invoked prior to project().
  • Builds properly on Apple chipset (by forcing the build in x86_64 architecture)

This change is optional but if you want your project to adopt the new structure, you can simply generate a new blank plugin to see the changes (only affects CMakeLists.txt) or check the re-blank-plugin project.

1.1.0 - 2020/09/21

  • Added preview command (resp. common-preview build target) which runs the RE2DPreview tool provided with the SDK. This tool generates a 2D preview of the device front, back, folded front and folded back (generated at full 5x resolution (3770x345*u)). This can be useful to generate images required for the shop (vs running Reason and capturing a low resolution image).

1.0.1 - 2020/09/04

  • When providing multiple commands to the script, the script now properly fails on the failed command and terminates with the error code of the failing process
  • Added -b option to the script to add a banner between multiple commands to make the output easier to follow

1.0.0 - 2020/06/18

  • First release.


  • Apache 2.0 License. This project can be used according to the terms of the Apache 2.0 license.

  • Note that the primary goal of this project is to help build a RE plugin and as a result you should check the Rack Extension SDK License Agreement in order to determine under which terms your plugin needs to be licensed.


  • A big thanks to @DavidAntliff for helping with testing and providing great feedback during the development of the framework


If you would like to contribute to this project, the recommended way is to open a ticket and discuss what you want to do. Once you have implemented the changes, then submit a Pull Request.


CMake based build framework for building Rack Extensions which are audio plugins for Reason, the Reason Studios DAW







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