##Component structure
- admin/ - back-end part of component
- site/ - font-end part of component
- install.xml - installation xml description
All scheduler logic is located in site/codebase.
It includes scheduler codebase, scheduler configurator, code generator.
There are 3 main points in code:
- initializing admin panel
- joomla/admin/views/schedulers/tmpl/default.php - admin form initializing
- joomla/admin/controller.php - loading/saving configuration
- generating scheduler code
- joomla/site/models/scheduler.php (method getScheduler())
- processing loading/saving requests
- joomla/site/controller.php (method loadxml())
##Database structure
- events_rec - stores scheduler events
- event_id - event id
- start_date - event start date/time
- end_date - event end date/time
- text - event text
- rec_type - event recurring logic
- event_pid - parent event (for editing one event from recurring series)
- event_length - event length (required for recurring events)
- user - event creator/editor id
- lat - event latitude (for map view)
- lng - event longuitude (for map view)
- scheduler_options - stores scheduler configuration
- id - option id
- name - option name
- value - option value
Here is a list of options: - scheduler_xml - scheduler xml configuration. Is used to load settings in admin panel
- scheduler_php - parsed xml configuration and serialized into more useful form
- scheduler_php_version - version of the last php configuration
- scheduler_xml_version - version of the last xml configuration
- scheduler_stable_config - last stable configuration (is used for restoring scheduler configuration after config xml error)
##Codebase details
Core provides universal control panel, API for generating scheduler and events data-feed.
Logic of parsing settings may be found in codebase/dhtmlxSchedulerConfigurator.php.
For saving/parsing configuration is used the follow logic:
when user saves configuration it is saved into database.
At the same time scheduler_xml_version (have a look database structure) is increased.
When user opens scheduler then configurators compare scheduler_xml_version and scheduler_php_version.
If scheduler_xml_version if bigger than scheduler_php_version then it parses xml configuration and serialize it into php (scheduler_php in database).
At the same time configurator updates scheduler_php_version to actual.
If scheduler_xml_version equals scheduler_php_version than xml is already parsed and serialized php configuration may be used.
Read more about dhtmlxScheduler Joomla! component in documentation.