(almost) Automatically generate a Pl@ntNet like identification engine from a GBIF occurrences Darwin Core Archive
By using this tool, the user agree to the GBIF data user agreement (https://www.gbif.org/terms/data-user)
- python 3.9
- docker >=19.03.12
- Cuda capable GPUs
- cuda >=11.0,
- nvidia-docker >=1.0.1 (https://docs.nvidia.com/datacenter/cloud-native/container-toolkit/install-guide.html#docker)
- github.com access
- GitHub docker register access
is your friend !
Every command listed bellow answer the --help flag, use it!
- pytorch (https://pytorch.org/get-started/locally/ - torchaudio is not needed)
- gbif-dl (pip install gbif-dl)
- scipy (pip install scipy)
- img2dataset (pip install img2dataset)
python createDataset.py --data /path/to/dataset --doi prefix/suffix
Create a dataset in /path/to/dataset (must be writeable) base on the given prefix/suffix GBIF occurrences Darwin Core Archive doi
Warning! It will probably take a while, use several GB of disk and network to
- retrieve the Darwin Core Archive and eventually crawl GBIF on the targeted species
- download and store in /path/to/dataset/img all the images referenced by the doi
- split the downloaded images into a train and a validation set
Useful options:
: use the stored dwca instead of downloading it--no-download
: use the stored images instead of downloading them--no-split
: keep all the downloaded images in place instead of creating a train/val split
To see all available options: python createDataset.py --help
On a multi gpu computer:
python -u train.py --data /path/to/dataset --arch resnet18 --lr 0.01 --batch-size 256 \
--epoch 50 --patience 4 --print 50 --workers 4 --pretrained --imbalanced \
--dist-url tcp:// --dist-backend nccl --multiprocessing-distributed --world-size 1 --rank 0 \
|& tee torch_resnet18.log
python scriptModel.py --data /path/to/dataset --arch resnet18
- It will also probably take a while
- Do not forget to script the trained model with
once the training is completed
Optionally, you might plot the training progress (and adjust your parameters) with progressPlot.py
(requires regex - pip install regex):
python progressPlot.py --train torch_resnet18.log
python createConfig.py --data /path/to/dataset
python createGT.py --data /path/to/dataset
- docker >=19.03.12
- optionally nvidia-docker >=1.0.1 to run on GPU (recommended with large dataset)
- the latest ai-taxonomist image
As executable are called through docker, it is easier do define DOCKER_COMMAND
as follows:
- CPU:
export DOCKER_IMAGE="ghcr.io/plantnet/ai-taxonomist/cpu:latest"
export DOCKER_COMMAND="docker run -it --rm -v /path/to/data:/data --name ait-builder $DOCKER_IMAGE"
- GPU:
export DOCKER_IMAGE="ghcr.io/plantnet/ai-taxonomist/gpu:latest"
export DOCKER_COMMAND="docker run -it --rm --gpus all -v /path/to/data:/data --name ait-builder $DOCKER_IMAGE"
Note: According to your configuration (ie you are not in the docker
group), you might need to sudo
the docker
$DOCKER_COMMAND /opt/snoop/bin/snoopCorpus --root /data/ai-taxonomist --corpus c4c --recurse --input /data/img
$DOCKER_COMMAND /opt/snoop/bin/snoopExtractor --root /data/ai-taxonomist --corpus c4c --feature Feature \
--doc_plugin Config/doc_ocv.json --desc_plugin Config/desc_torchscript.json \
--min_num_desc 1 --nb_lot_per_thread 100 --nb_threads 10
$DOCKER_COMMAND /opt/snoop/bin/snoopDatabase --root /data/ai-taxonomist --corpus c4c --feature Feature \
--database Index --db_plugin Config/db_pmh.json
- When you are using a small GPU and a large model
might fail by lack of GPU memory. In this case, you diminish the--nb_threads
parameter (and may be--nb_lot_per_thread
). Then rerunsnoopExtractor
with the added--rescue
flag, and once it succeed rerunsnoopDatabase
- if your dataset does not have enough images (ie. less than 2k),
will fail. In this case the identification results illustration by most similar images won't be available, but you still can run image classification by adding the--no-illustrate
flag to thec4cIdentify
command bellow.
While using one or more GPU is mandatory for the preparation phase, it is optional for the online identification service.
will run on CPU with the same accuracy (but with longer response time) as on GPU.
To run the ai-taxonomist
on a production computer, you need to rsync
(or any tool which preserve symbolic links) the /path/to/data/ai-taxonomist
directory produced by previous steps on the production computer.
- docker >=19.03.12
- optionally nvidia-docker >=1.0.1 to run on GPU (recommended with large dataset)
- the latest ai-taxonomist image
- the ai-taxonomist directory (and its content!) produced by the offline preparation
As executable are called through docker, it is easier do define DOCKER_RUN
as follows:
- CPU:
export DOCKER_IMAGE="ghcr.io/plantnet/ai-taxonomist/cpu:latest"
export DOCKER_RUN="docker run -it --rm -p PORT:8080 -v /path/to/ai-taxonomist:/data --name ai-taxonomist $DOCKER_IMAGE"
- GPU:
export DOCKER_IMAGE="ghcr.io/plantnet/ai-taxonomist/gpu:latest"
export DOCKER_RUN="docker run -it --rm --gpus all -p PORT:8080 -v /path/to/ai-taxonomist:/data --name ai-taxonomist $DOCKER_IMAGE"
$DOCKER_RUN /opt/snoop/bin/c4cIdentify --data /data
The REST server is now accessible through
Main routes are
- (GET)
list available routes and their usage - (GET)
identify the given image(s) - (POST)
identify the image(s) sent as 'image:' in the message body
The ai-taxonomist
REST service is compatible with the ai-taxonomist-webcomponent
To illustrate the usage of ai-taxonomist
, we built a DWCA from an occurrence search on GBIF on the order Anura
. Following the above steps with --doi 10.15468/dl.epcnam
produced a dataset with 3k frog species illustrated by 500k images.
GBIF.org (07 October 2021) GBIF Occurrence Download https://doi.org/10.15468/dl.epcnam
This example is running on https://c4c.inria.fr/demo/ as a demonstration of ai-taxonomist
and its web component
The REST api is accessible at https://c4c.inria.fr/api/
The development of ai-taxonomist was partially funded by the Cos4Cloud European Horizon 2020 project