Other Worlds is a story/planet pack combo that adds a new star system to Kerbal Space Program full of custom-made planets, as well as a custom-made story, first in KSP history.
You can watch the trailer here
To play with this mod, you require to also install Kopernicus
The mod also requires, but is already bunbled with, VertexMitchellNetravaliHeightMap and CTTP.
As optional mods, you can use Enviromental Visual Enhancments, Scatterer and Parallax for a more visually striking collection of planets.
You can also install Contract Configurator for a small collection of custom contracts.
This mod also includes some laser sail parts that require custom code to work. You can find that one here.
- Fixes
- Fixed comptability issues due to wrong usage of Module Manager alongside
top node
- Fixed comptability issues due to wrong usage of Module Manager alongside
- Fixes
- Fixes
- Removed old, now broken config for multi-star solar panels
- Fixes
- Story mode
- Some signals' ranges made bigger
- Fixes
- Applied new kopernicus settings for OnDemand loading and handling of far away colliders
- Fixed generated waypoints with the custom UI missing a space
- Rise range of sprite core antenna to reach the star (Between 2017 and now something happened)
- Fixed Vassa not having clouds when using newer version of the Volumetric Clouds mod
- Story mode
- Celestial Bodies
- Started testing EVE Raymarched clouds in Vassa if that version of EVE is installed.
- Fixes
- Module Manager applying clouds to every single EVE_CLOUDS node, ending up duplicating clouds, has been fixed.
- Added template to Ice Giant to add missing settings which lack were breaking the RnD science archive screen.
- Celestial Bodies
- Story Mode
- One signal's range made bigger
- Made a clue slightly better
- Fixes
- Fixed lights from vessels showing up when reading signals
- Story Mode
- Story Mode
- Added a pop-out window on new saves to indicate what to do to start the story
- Added other pop-outs
- Rephrased a clue due to imprecision
- Fixes
- Lower the terrain quality of C4-2 to avoid some clipping.
- Story Mode
- Fixes
- Made parallax configuration for C2-1 less laggy
- Partly removed kopernicus debugging things
- Fixes
- Story Mode
- Added a story mode to the mod
- Celestial Bodies
- Usage of a smoother heightmap PQS mod
- Complete Redesign of Troni
- Complete Redesign of Kevari
- New look for Prima and Secunda
- New look for Nienna
- Addition of new features to Pequar
- Colormap changes for Vassa (Some regions are not on ice)
- Colormap changes for C2-1 (Reintrodution of Green Substrate)
- Biomes for C2-1
- Biomes for C3-1
- Biomes for Secunda
- New Biomes for Troni
- New Biomes for Prima
- Added a lot of science experiment definitions (Courtesy of DibzNr)
- Gameplay
- Changed the Science points obtained from experiments
- Adjusted contract weights so no exoplanet appears as random stock contracts
- EVE (Clouds)
- New Aurora for Pequar
- Sand stream for Pequar
- Made Scatter-less Atmospheric effects less powerful
- Fixes
- Biomes now have fixed internal names
- Prima and Secunda now have more predictable vessel paths
- C2-1 and C3-1 made smaller to have big, non-buggy Spheres of Influence
- Reduced terrain quality on C2-1, reducing kraken attacks
- Removed some seams on some cloud maps
- Other
- Most textures now use the OnDemand system, though not all
- Story Mode
0.5.0 Beta
- Celestial Bodies
- Moved Cercani to its spot in IC
- Cercani is now at a distance of 3.2 ki (3.2*10^13 m) away from home
- Added asteroidal moon C4-1 orbiting Nienna
- Added asteroidal moon C4-2 orbiting Nienna
- Revamped Niko's map to have a better fitting look
- Nienna's moons' orbits have been tweaked
- Decreased the mass of Crons
- Prima and Secunda are now proper binaries
- Localization of planet's descriptions and names (French and Russian)
- Non-Scatterer atmospheric effect if only using EVE (Credits go to JadeOfMaar)
- Updated Atmospheres of all the planets. Now these work with Sigma Dimensions
- Added Orbital Icons that were teased with the implementation of the feature
- Changed Cercani's Rotation period
- Changed Pequar's Surface Pressure to 0.2 atm
- Changed Disole's Surface Pressure to 1.7 atm
- Refined C2-1's and C3-1's color textures
- Gameplay
- Medium sized Laser Sails
- Laser Generator
- Easy to use UI
- Ability to slow down a sail with lasers
- Addition of ContractConfigurator contracts for exploration of interstellar space
- Ore, CRP Resources and Classic Resources Distribution on all planets
- Fixes
- Fixed Scatterer-OnDemand loading bug. Even faster loading.
- Fixed Non-Scatterer flare
- Fixed Cercani's size and mass problem
- Fixed strage sphere orbiting Nienna
- Fixed Atmospheric Rims on some of the planets
- Fixed weird coloring on some planets' surfaces
- Fixed some biome maps
- Fixed some real-scaled space transitions
- Other
- French/Spanish/Russian translation of Part Descriptions/Names & Planet Descriptions/Biomes (Thanks to Arthur (FR) and Zarbon (RU) for their respective translations!)
- Compatibility with Interstellar Consortium
- Better organization of folders
- Fixed possible cause of incompatibility with SVE
- Celestial Bodies
0.4.3 Alpha
- Added OnDemand loading. Less RAM usage
- Fixed C2-1 and C3-1, now you can actually land on them!
- Changed Vassa's Colormap, now with very nice gradients between grey and white
- Changed Disole's Cliff color, now darker than the surroundings
- Fixed Troni's biomes. More fixes for Troni will come soon
0.4.2 Alpha
- Finished Crons Color and Height maps (Finalized design)
- Transformed most planet textures into .dds -> Faster Loading!
- Added Compatibility with Kopernicus Expansion: Troni's lava glows on the dark
- Biomes Maps for Crons and Troni (Functionality in later not yet implemented)
- New Orbits for the planets, very similar but balanced, mainly inclinations
- Removed weird polar asteroid belt around Cercani
- Added proper asteroid belts around Cercani (Inner, Middle and Outer/Scattered)
0.4.1 Alpha
- 1.4.3 Compatible
- Fixed ground textures and shininess
- Added cirrus clouds to Nienna
- Redid Inter-Vision's Flag. Now it doesn't say "Ointer". And OWR's flag too...
0.4 Alpha
- Balanced the part costs of the laser sail, so now it makes more sense in career mode!
- Put the parts of the laser sail in the correct spots in the RnD Tech Tree
- Added Kevari, Crons, Niko, Prima and Secunda, though not in their best states.
- Added aurorae to Pequar (Currntly green, may change color to red)
- Added a RCS pack for the sail, so to manouver better and pinpoint flybies (Needs some work)
- Now OWR uses CTTP v1.0.3 onwards
- SigmaLoadingScreens compatible
0.3 Alpha
- Added Nienna
- Added the SPRITE parts (Project Breakthrough Starshot Laser Sail)
- Shenanigans with Disole's cloud colors
- Tweaked Cercani's Sunflare
0.2 Alpha
- Now for 1.3.1
- Cercani was moved 10 times closed to Kerbol
- Pequar, Disole and C3-1 are added.
- Removed EVE shadows compatibility due to bugs.
0.1.1 Alpha
- Added Troni... again.
0.1 Alpha
- Added Cercani
- Not Added Troni
- Added Vassa
- Added C2-1
The license for this mod comes in two parts:
- C# Code (That found on the src folder on github) is licensed under MIT
- Character dialogue and everything else falls under ARR
- Check the credits for any additional assets used that may be distributed under a different license
- Those who worked directly in the mod:
- Beale: Texture detail for a specific model
- DibzNr: Most of the science experiment descriptions
- JadeOfMaar: Modded resource files
- Redistributed dependencies
- CTTP under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
- Kopernicus_VertexMitchellNetravaliHeightMap under MIT
- Local height terrain data:
- One terrain texture and its normal by Rob Tuytel, redistributed under CC0
- Bunbled font Nunito redistributed under Open Font License
- Most ring textures use highly modified ring textures from SpaceEngine