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Structure of a `package.yml`

michaelessiet edited this page Dec 21, 2023 · 5 revisions

The package.yml file is the core of building new software. They can range from the exceedingly simple (, to the very, very complicated (, and everything in between. Generally, they are very simple, as package maintainers do a lot internally to simplify building for the benefit of their users.

Here, we'll break down the structure of the YAML, so you can quickly build a new package.

A note about moustaches

useMoustaches.ts defines a number of mappings usable within a package.yml file to prevent hard-coding variant values. In particular, every build/runtime dependency is also included under the deps key, such as {{}}.

The available mappings are as follows.

  • deps
  • hw.arch (aarch64|x86-64)
  • hw.platform (darwin|linux|windows)
  • hw.concurrency (number of CPU cores)
  • prefix
  • version.major
  • (major.minor)
  • version.minor
  • version.patch
  • version.raw
  • version.tag

Note: hw may be replaced with host in the future.

package.yml keys


distributable is the key that tells tea how to find the sources. Generally, it has two sub-keys: url, and strip-components. The value of url tells the build script how to find the sources, and generally uses {{version}} or {{version.raw}} to generalize the URL. {{version}} is processed and will appear in the form x.x.x. strip-components is nearly always 1, and strips the package name from the unpacked directory structure, as expected by the other tools.


There are two variants of the versions key in use today: an array of text versions, such as:

  - 1.1.0
  - 1.1.2
  - 1.2.0

and a version that can parse GitHub releases or tags, as e.g.: nodejs/node or python/cpython/tags. This can be coupled with a strip key, which describes data to remove from the tag, as in curl's: strip: /^curl / Future development will likely allow for complex version parsers, as shown in comments in


provides is an array of text keys, listing the binaries provided in the final package, relative to the {{prefix}}. It is used by pkgx -X to locate executables.


platforms is a single text or an array of text keys. Some packages won't build everywhere, as much as we might like them to. This key is a whitelist of available platforms, if the whole gamut cannot be covered:

# FIXME: linux/x86-64 has a subtle bug I cannot figure out at the moment
  - darwin
  - linux/aarch64


Used by script interpreters, such as, it contains two subkeys:

  • extensions: either a string | string[] of file extensions to call this interpreter for.
  • args: the commands needed to interpret a script; e.g. args: [deno, run].


A set of run-time dependencies, in pkgx notation: package-name: semver-string. Note that platform- or architecture-specific dependencies can be sub-keyed under an appropriate descriptor, such as:

dependencies: 6
  darwin: '*'
  linux/aarch64: '*'


A key to specify run-time specific environment variables, such as:

    FOO: bar

build and test

build and test function very similarly. They can take a single text string, which will be the entirety of the build/test by itself, but more commonly they take some/all of the subkeys below:

dependencies (subkey)

Some dependencies are only needed for building/testing a package, but not in general use. These go here, in the same format as dependencies.


The main build/test script. This can be arbitrarily complicated, and is likely to make copious use of moustaches. Any files alongside the package.yml in the repository will be available under the props/ directory while building. This is useful for providing diffs and other related content.


Control setting the environment for the build/test. Many things are possible here, including platform/arch-specific configurations, as referenced in dependencies. env keys will override (but may reference, e.g.: CPATH: $CPATH:/path/to/somewhere, existing environment variables). Note that moustaches may be prefixed with $ to deal with YAML requirements: VERSION: ${{version}}.


An additional option for providing files is to provide their text in a fixture key. This file will be available to the script at the location stored in the $FIXTURE environment variable.



^^ Guides for specific build tools and scenarios


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