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Easy-to-integrate tab bar with ripple effect for Android that completely respects Material Design for API 9+


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An easy-to-integrate tab bar for Android that completely respects the [Material Design guidelines] ( and supports all versions of Android since API 9!

If you think that this library does not fully respect the Material Design guidelines, file an issue, send a pull request or reach out to me! The goal of this library is to be 100% MaterialDesign-compliant.

Animated screenshot


You can find a sample app showing what this library can do on the Google Play Store. This sample can also generate the XML code you need instantly and export it! You can then copy paste it in your corresponding layout XML file. Done!

Material Tabs Demo on Google Play


Download the latest AAR or add the following dependency in your build.gradle file:

	dependencies {
	    compile 'io.karim:materialtabs:2.0.5'


  1. Add the MaterialTabs widget (io.karim.MaterialTabs) in your layout.xml file:
    	   app:mtPaddingMiddle="false" />

Normally, this should go below a Toolbar ( and above a ViewPager ( Take a look at [this file] ( for a better understanding.

  1. In your onCreate method (or onCreateView for a fragment), bind the widget to the ViewPager:
 // Initialize the ViewPager and set an adapter
 ViewPager pager = (ViewPager) findViewById(;
 pager.setAdapter(new SamplePagerAdapter(getSupportFragmentManager()));

 // Bind the tabs to the ViewPager
 MaterialTabs tabs = (MaterialTabs) findViewById(;
  1. Create a new class extending FragmentPagerAdapter, and take a look at the "Custom view" section for more info.


Custom view

Just a TextView (titles)

If you're looking for tabs with text, take a look at the SamplePagerAdapter in [this file] ( for a better example.

Everything else (icons and more complex views)

Whether you're looking for tabs with icons instead of text or for more complex custom views, take a look at the MainActivityPagerAdapter in this example instead.

Specifically, make sure that your class implements MaterialTabs.CustomTabProvider and overrides the following methods:

View getCustomTabView(ViewGroup parent, int position);
void onCustomTabViewSelected(View view, int position, boolean alreadySelected);
void onCustomTabViewUnselected(View view, int position, boolean alreadyUnselected);

In the first one, create your View from scratch. In the second and third methods, write code that you want to run when a tab is selected and unselected. A common use case is to replace an icon with another icon when selected. This is exactly the use case demonstrated in the example linked above.

Note: these last two methods might be called several times even though the user just clicked on a tab once (for example). To deal with this case, the alreadySelected and alreadyUnselected boolean parameters specify if the corresponding tab was already selected or unselected respectively so that code that should only be executed once isn't executed more than once.

Custom font/typeface

If you're using the default TextView (i.e. not using custom views) and would like to use a custom font in the tabs' title text, you can do so in your Java code by adding the last two lines just after binding the tabs to the ViewPager:

 // Initialize the ViewPager and set an adapter
 ViewPager pager = (ViewPager) findViewById(;
 pager.setAdapter(new SamplePagerAdapter(getSupportFragmentManager()));

 // Bind the tabs to the ViewPager
 MaterialTabs tabs = (MaterialTabs) findViewById(;
 // Set custom font/typeface to text in tabs' title
 Typeface selectedTypeface = Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(), "fonts/Roboto-Bold.ttf");
 Typeface unselectedTypeface = Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(), "fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf");

For this to work, make sure to add your font file (in this case, Roboto-Bold.ttf and Robot-Regular.ttf) in the fonts folder under assets.

Other customizations

There are many attributes that you can override in the XML layout. Here is a table of these attributes, their descriptions and their default value:

Attribute Description
android:textColor Color of text in non-selected tabs
app:mtIndicatorColor Color of the sliding indicator
app:mtUnderlineColor Color of the full-width line on the bottom of the view
app:mtIndicatorHeight Height of the sliding indicator
app:mtUnderlineHeight Height of the full-width line on the bottom of the view
app:mtTabPaddingLeftRight Left and right padding of each tab
app:mtSameWeightTabs If set to true, each tab is given the same weight
app:mtTextAllCaps If true, all tab titles will be upper case
app:mtPaddingMiddle If true, the tabs start at the middle of the view
app:mtTextColorSelected Color of text in selected tab
app:mtMrlRippleColor Color of the ripple
app:mtMrlRippleHighlightColor Color of the background while the ripple is undergoing an animation
app:mtMrlRippleDiameter Radius of starting ripple
app:mtMrlRippleOverlay If true, ripple is drawn in foreground of view. Otherwise, it will drawn in the background
app:mtMrlRippleAlpha Level of transparency (alpha) of the ripple
app:mtMrlRippleDuration Duration of the ripple animation
app:mtMrlRippleFadeDuration Duration of fade out effect on ripple
app:mtMrlRippleDelayClick If true, delays calls to OnClickListeners until ripple effect ends. In that case, the indicator line's move to the clicked tab will also be delayed
app:mtMrlRipplePersistent If true, the ripple background color persists after animation, until setRadius(0) is called
app:mtMrlRippleInAdapter if true, MaterialRippleLayout will be optimized for use in AdapterViews
app:mtMrlRippleRoundedCorners Radius of corners of the ripple. Note: it uses software rendering pipeline for API 17 and below

Don't forget to add xmlns:app="" to the root item in your layout.


If you would like to contribute code you can do so through GitHub by forking the repository and sending a pull request.


This library is based on the great PagerSlidingTabStrip library by jpardogo and astuetz and on the great material-ripple library by balysv.


Easy-to-integrate tab bar with ripple effect for Android that completely respects Material Design for API 9+







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