PivotX 4 is an open source content management system especially designed for high-performance and highly configurable websites. It is build on top of Symfony 2 because it provides a rock solid foundation.
This release is very much a PRE-ALPHA release. Meaning it shouldn't be used to actually build websites yet. What you do get is a preview how PivotX can be used to structure, build and manage websites.
There is additional documentation in the Resources/doc directory. You can view this online on github, but it is also available in the main menu of your own PivotX install.
PivotX requires PHP and any relational database supported by Doctrine. PivotX will be released under the open source MIT-license.
This is the recommended way to install PivotX.
curl -s http://getcomposer.org/installer | php
Symfony Standard Edition (currently 2.1.8):
php composer.phar create-project symfony/framework-standard-edition path/to/install 2.1.8
Next go to your new Symfony root:
cd path/to/install
php [path-to-composer]/composer.phar config repositories.pxcore vcs https://github.com/pivotx/corebundle.git
php [path-to-composer]/composer.phar config repositories.pxback vcs https://github.com/pivotx/backendbundle.git
php [path-to-composer]/composer.phar require -v pivotx/corebundle:dev-master pivotx/backendbundle:dev-master
Edit app/AppKernel.php Add the following to lines to the $bundles array:
new PivotX\CoreBundle\CoreBundle(),
new PivotX\BackendBundle\BackendBundle(),
Modify app/config/parameters.yml and fill in your database configuration.
Edit app/config/config.yml Add somewhere near doctrine / dbal:
path: %database_path%
Modify app/config/parameters.yml with the correct database configuration. For instance:
database_path: "%kernel.root_dir%/pivotx.sqlite"
After database creation (see below), change the file mode:
chmod 666 app/pivotx.sqlite
Overwrite security.yml with the PivotX version:
cp vendor/pivotx/corebundle/required-security.yml app/config/security.yml
Create database:
php app/console doctrine:schema:create
If you used an SQLite database make sure the file is writable:
chmod 666 <sqlite-database-file>
Run PivotX setup:
php app/console pivotx:setup
The setup will require you to enter an administrator e-mailaddress and will generate a password for you. Remember and/or store it!
After this command has finished you will have finished the command-line part of the setup.
You can now continue to the web-setup. After the login you are directed to the next part of the setup.