BRIDE is a model driven engineering tool chain based on Eclipse for the development of ROS components, systems and applications.
$ sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-bride
$ mkdir -p ~/git/bride_ws/src (or somewhere else)
$ cd git/bride_ws/src
$ catkin_init_workspace
Clone the release version of the BRIDE repository
$ git clone
$ cd ..
Install eclipse and the necessary plugins by building the workspace:
$ catkin_make
Run bride from the workspace
$ source devel/
$ rosrun bride eclipse
If you installed BRIDE from source you can update your installed version by updating the repository with git:
$ git pull origin develop
Afterwards start BRIDE as usually and go into the "Help" menu and select "Check for Updates". If there are updates in the generated plugins in the repository, Eclipse should install them during the update process.
Please report issues here on github. If you want to develop for BRIDE you can find documentation on the setup here:
You can find detailed examples and tutorials on the ROS wiki pages.