general RN starter Project - support Native Navigation, TS, Mobx & Redux integrated with the latest version of react, react-native
- Integrate with airbnb's Native Navigation
- Use Pod to integrate with exsiting project
- Deploy all code under the environment of the latested version of React & React Native("react": "16.0.0-alpha.12", "react-native": "^0.47.1")
- Support TypeScript Grammer instead of FLow(in TS-sample branch)
- Support Mobx & Redux(in mobx-sample/redux-sample branch)
Installation mainly goes to Pod installation. As this is a repo for integrated with exsiting project:
>> npm install
>> pod install
- The installation will report an error about the animation, when error occurres, Plz change the line of source code to this:
import <React/RCTValueAnimatedNode.h>
// Find RNTrain.xcworkspace and kick off the Xcode
// exec the following command:
>> sh
- Native Navigation:
- Integrate with the exsiting project: